University of Oxford

The Sphakia Survey Internet Edition

Version 2 2024-03-20, 10:19
Version 1 2024-01-04, 15:59
Posted on 2024-03-20 - 10:19 authored by Lucia Nixon

The Sphakia Survey is an interdisciplinary archaeological project whose main objective is to reconstruct the sequence of human activity in a remote and rugged part of Crete (Greece), from the time that people arrived in the area, by ca 3000 BC, until the end of Ottoman rule in AD 1900. Our research covers three major epochs, Prehistoric, Graeco-Roman, and Byzantine-Venetian-Turkish, and has involved the work of many people using environmental, archaeological, documentary, and local information.

The Sphakia Survey website is only one of the Survey’s publications. The others include preliminary publications, and a video about the methods and possible results of archaeological field survey. The team is currently working towards a final publication in two volumes.

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