University of Oxford

R codes and curated dataset for “EnoLEX: A Diachronic Lexical Database for the Enggano Language”

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posted on 2025-01-27, 00:20 authored by Gede Primahadi Wijaya RajegGede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Daniel Krauße, Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha, Erik Zobel, Bernd Nothofer, Charlotte Hemmings, Sarah Ogilvie, I Wayan Arka, Mary DalrympleMary Dalrymple

A repository of R codes and curated dataset for a Shiny web application titled “EnoLEX, a diachronic lexical database for the Enggano language” (Krauße et al. 2024). Access the database via See also the source GitHub repository and its Releases page.

This repository captures the latest released version (1.0.0) on GitHub. For future updates of this repository, see the released versioning on the source repository on GitHub and its Zenodo archive.

EnoLEX represents a network of independent research materials consisting of a source dataset, this repository of source R codes and the curated data, the online database, and a conference paper.


In this repository, we also include the underlying data for the Austronesian Comparative Dictionary Online (ACD, see the file data/acd.rds), which also needs to be cited independently (Blust, Trussel, and Smith 2023). This Cross-Linguistic Data Format (CLDF) data was read into R using the rcldf R package by Simon J. Greenhill. This ACD dataset is used to link an Enggano form to its Proto-Austronesian and/or Proto-Malayo Polynesian reconstructed forms to be viewed online in the ACD.

The pyconcepticon Python module was used to create the first mapping of the English gloss with the Concepticon concepts, followed by manual post-editing (changes tracked on the GitHub repository).


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