Enggano middle voice: Evidence of Enggano as an Austronesian language
How to cite
Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya; Hemmings, Charlotte; Arka, I Wayan (2024). Enggano middle voice: Evidence of Enggano as an Austronesian language. University of Oxford. Presentation. https://doi.org/10.25446/oxford.26073907
Slides presentation for the 16th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (16-ICAL; Manila, Philippines, 20-24 June 2024; presented on 21 June 2024 at 08.30 am).
In this presentation, we discuss the form and semantics/functions of the prefix pa- in Enggano within the domain of Middle semantics and Middle (Grammatical) Voice and demonstrate that these properties bear resemblance with cognates in many Austronesian languages of Oceanic and Malayo-Polynesian sub-groups, including the neighbouring Barrier-Islands languages of Mentawai and Nias. We argue that such morphosyntactic and semantic resemblance of Enggano pa- with cognates in these languages solidifies the status of Enggano as an Austronesian language.
Lexical resources for Enggano, a threatened language of Indonesia
Arts and Humanities Research Council
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