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(500524) Prideaux Selby
This three-year research project began in January 2014 and investigated whether, during the Victorian period, the professions formed a distinct self-sustaining social group with its own mores and values. The project looked at 16,000 individuals drawn from census data for Alnwick, Brighton, Bristol, Dundee, Greenock, Leeds, Merthyr Tydfil, Morpeth, and Winchester. The research project was funded by the UK Economic & Social Research Council and was based at the Universities of Oxford and Northumbria.
Person ID
500524Full Name
Prideaux SelbyGender
3 September 1810Place of Origin
Walthamstow, Essex, EnglandDate of Death
5 April 1872Place of Death
Pawston, Northumberland, EnglandAge at Death
62Town Sample
1Marriage ID
501703 (Harriet Elizabeth Beauchamp-Proctor : wife), 501704 (Beauchamp Prideaux Selby : child), 501707 (Prideaux George Selby : child), 501708 (Edith Harriet Selby : child), 501709 (Maude Emily Selby : child), 501710 (Oliver Prideaux Selby : child), 501711 (Evelyn Selby : child), 501712 (Gertrude Selby : child), 501713 (Beatrice Mary Selby : child), 501718 (William Henry Collingwood Selby : child), 501702 (Mary Beaumont : mother), 501701 (Prideaux Selby : father), 502545 (Frances Catherine Selby : sibling), 501719 (Henry Algernon Campbell : son-in-law), 501723 (Richard M. Durnford : son-in-law), 501714 (Fanny Pocklington-Senhouse : daughter-in-law), 501720 (Rose Alice Clutterbuck : daughter-in-law), 501727 (Amy Harriett Waddington : daughter-in-law), 501732 (Victoria Cordelia Delisle [DeLisle] : daughter-in-law), 501717 (Beauchamp Henry Selby : grandson), 501724 (Prideaux Joseph Selby : grandson), 501730 (Henry Prideaux Selby : grandson), 501731 (Gerard Lancelot Selby : grandson), 501733 (Alexander Prideaux Selby : grandson), 501735 (Reginald Nolan Selby : grandson), 501737 (Arthur Beauchamp Selby : grandson), 501748 (Richard Selby Durnford : grandson), 501749 (Hugh George Edmund Durnford : grandson), 501751 (John Walter Durnford : grandson), 501753 (Robert Chichester Durnford : grandson), 501766 (Prideaux Robert Selby : grandson), 503124 (Prideaux Selby : grandson), 501744 (Mary K. Selby : granddaughter), 501745 (Marguerite Beatrice Selby : granddaughter), 501750 (Violet Mary Durnford : granddaughter), 501752 (Beatrice Emma Durnford : granddaughter), 501764 (Alice Mary Selby : granddaughter), 501765 (Dorothy Muriel Selby : granddaughter), 501747 (Arthur Prescott Barker : grandson-in-law), 501756 (John Chaloner Chute : grandson-in-law), 501734 (Mary Thorpe Mappin : granddaughter-in-law), 501736 (Emmeline Elsie Jane Argent : granddaughter-in-law), 501746 (Mary Beatrice Stratton : granddaughter-in-law), 501757 (Margaret Evelyn Hope Meiklejohn : granddaughter-in-law), 501761 (Marie de Lancey Greene : granddaughter-in-law)Access Full Dataset
Usage metrics
AlnwickBARRISTER, ADVOCATEGeneration: 1500383Prideaux Selby (500524)Harriet Elizabeth Beauchamp-Proctor (501703)Beauchamp Prideaux Selby (501704)Prideaux George Selby (501707)Edith Harriet Selby (501708)Maude Emily Selby (501709)Oliver Prideaux Selby (501710)Evelyn Selby (501711)Gertrude Selby (501712)Beatrice Mary Selby (501713)William Henry Collingwood Selby (501718)Mary Beaumont (501702)Prideaux Selby (501701)Frances Catherine Selby (502545)Henry Algernon Campbell (501719)Richard M. Durnford (501723)Fanny Pocklington-Senhouse (501714)Rose Alice Clutterbuck (501720)Amy Harriett Waddington (501727)Victoria Cordelia Delisle [DeLisle] (501732)Beauchamp Henry Selby (501717)Prideaux Joseph Selby (501724)Henry Prideaux Selby (501730)Gerard Lancelot Selby (501731)Alexander Prideaux Selby (501733)Reginald Nolan Selby (501735)Arthur Beauchamp Selby (501737)Richard Selby Durnford (501748)Hugh George Edmund Durnford (501749)John Walter Durnford (501751)Robert Chichester Durnford (501753)Prideaux Robert Selby (501766)Prideaux Selby (503124)Mary K. Selby (501744)Marguerite Beatrice Selby (501745)Violet Mary Durnford (501750)Beatrice Emma Durnford (501752)Alice Mary Selby (501764)Dorothy Muriel Selby (501765)Arthur Prescott Barker (501747)John Chaloner Chute (501756)Mary Thorpe Mappin (501734)Emmeline Elsie Jane Argent (501736)Mary Beatrice Stratton (501746)Margaret Evelyn Hope Meiklejohn (501757)Marie de Lancey Greene (501761)Business and Labour HistoryHistoryEconomic History
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