(500407) Edward Williams Faithfull
This three-year research project began in January 2014 and investigated whether, during the Victorian period, the professions formed a distinct self-sustaining social group with its own mores and values. The project looked at 16,000 individuals drawn from census data for Alnwick, Brighton, Bristol, Dundee, Greenock, Leeds, Merthyr Tydfil, Morpeth, and Winchester. The research project was funded by the UK Economic & Social Research Council and was based at the Universities of Oxford and Northumbria.
Person ID
500407Full Name
Edward Williams FaithfullGender
SOLICITORDate of Birth
10 February 1823Place of Origin
Clerkenwell, London, EnglandDate of Death
22 January 1879Place of Death
Hopelands, Winchester, Hampshire, EnglandAge at Death
55Town Sample
1Marriage ID
501344 (Mary Ann[e] Faithfull : wife), 501345 (Alfred Williams Faithfull : child), 501346 (Charles Edward Faithfull : child), 501347 (Arthur Stewart Faithfull : child), 501348 (Richard Chamberlain Faithfull : child), 501349 (Horace Lloyd Faithfull : child), 501350 (Jessie Faithfull : child), 501351 (Frank Faithfull : child), 501352 (Mary Faithfull : child), 501353 (Edward Herbert Faithfull : child), 501343 (Jane [Faithfull] : mother), 500295 (Edward Chamberlain Faithfull : father), 501374 (Stewart Chamberlain Faithfull : son-in-law), 501357 (Maria Wilhelmina Despard Grantoff : daughter-in-law), 501364 (Sarah Clapton : daughter-in-law), 501367 (Eleanor Gwendaline Woolmer Barton : daughter-in-law), 501370 (Isabella Inglis Venn : daughter-in-law), 501378 (Alice Louisa White : daughter-in-law), 501379 (Maria Margaret Cahusac : daughter-in-law), 501389 (Fanny Jane Lee [nee Blizard] : daughter-in-law), 502995 (Daisy Spenser Laisum : daughter-in-law), 501354 (Reginald Faithfull Faithfull : grandson), 501360 (Claude Augustus Faithfull : grandson), 501362 (Stanley Edward Faithfull : grandson), 501363 (Reginald Percy Faithfull : grandson), 501373 (Gordon Chamberlain Faithfull : grandson), 501386 (Arthur Frederick Faithfull : grandson), 501387 (Francis E. N. Faithfull : grandson), 501388 (Malcolm Ernest Faithfull : grandson), 502740 (Percy Charles Faithfull : grandson), 502741 (Leonard Edward Faithfull : grandson), 502742 (Edgar Clapton Faithfull : grandson), 502743 (Sydney Leigh Faithfull : grandson), 501361 (Eveline Mary Faithfull : granddaughter), 501371 (Stella Mary Faithfull : granddaughter), 501372 (Violet Gwendoline Faithfull : granddaughter), 501377 (Isabel M. Faithfull : granddaughter), 501382 (Alice Mary Faithfull : granddaughter), 501383 (Muriel Grace Faithfull : granddaughter), 501384 (Nora Violet Faithfull : granddaughter), 501385 (Kathleen Gelston Faithfull : granddaughter), 501400 (William Windrow : grandson-in-law), 503239 (Edward Williams Faithfull : grandson-in-law), 501392 (Alice M Pearce : granddaughter-in-law), 501393 (Isabella B [Faithfull] : granddaughter-in-law), 501394 (Helen McGregor Wyman (nee Pierce) : granddaughter-in-law), 501395 (Margaret Butterfield : granddaughter-in-law), 501396 (Mary N [Faithfull] : granddaughter-in-law), 501397 (Ida Gill : granddaughter-in-law), 502744 (Agnes Wylie : granddaughter-in-law), 502745 (Jane Isobel Mastan/Markham/Maskem : granddaughter-in-law), 502746 (Elizabeth Adie Algie : granddaughter-in-law), 502998 (Marguerite Faithfull : granddaughter-in-law), 503001 (Jane Isabel Faithfull : granddaughter-in-law), 503002 (Winifred Emily Faithfull : granddaughter-in-law), 503003 (Phyllis Eva Harwood : granddaughter-in-law)Access Full Dataset
Usage metrics
WinchesterSOLICITORGeneration: 1500247Edward Williams Faithfull (500407)Mary Ann[e] Faithfull (501344)Alfred Williams Faithfull (501345)Charles Edward Faithfull (501346)Arthur Stewart Faithfull (501347)Richard Chamberlain Faithfull (501348)Horace Lloyd Faithfull (501349)Jessie Faithfull (501350)Frank Faithfull (501351)Mary Faithfull (501352)Edward Herbert Faithfull (501353)Jane [Faithfull] (501343)Edward Chamberlain Faithfull (500295)Stewart Chamberlain Faithfull (501374)Maria Wilhelmina Despard Grantoff (501357)Sarah Clapton (501364)Eleanor Gwendaline Woolmer Barton (501367)Isabella Inglis Venn (501370)Alice Louisa White (501378)Maria Margaret Cahusac (501379)Fanny Jane Lee [nee Blizard] (501389)Daisy Spenser Laisum (502995)Reginald Faithfull Faithfull (501354)Claude Augustus Faithfull (501360)Stanley Edward Faithfull (501362)Reginald Percy Faithfull (501363)Gordon Chamberlain Faithfull (501373)Arthur Frederick Faithfull (501386)Francis E. N. Faithfull (501387)Malcolm Ernest Faithfull (501388)Percy Charles Faithfull (502740)Leonard Edward Faithfull (502741)Edgar Clapton Faithfull (502742)Sydney Leigh Faithfull (502743)Eveline Mary Faithfull (501361)Stella Mary Faithfull (501371)Violet Gwendoline Faithfull (501372)Isabel M. Faithfull (501377)Alice Mary Faithfull (501382)Muriel Grace Faithfull (501383)Nora Violet Faithfull (501384)Kathleen Gelston Faithfull (501385)William Windrow (501400)Edward Williams Faithfull (503239)Alice M Pearce (501392)Isabella B [Faithfull] (501393)Helen McGregor Wyman (nee Pierce) (501394)Margaret Butterfield (501395)Mary N [Faithfull] (501396)Ida Gill (501397)Agnes Wylie (502744)Jane Isobel Mastan/Markham/Maskem (502745)Elizabeth Adie Algie (502746)Marguerite Faithfull (502998)Jane Isabel Faithfull (503001)Winifred Emily Faithfull (503002)Phyllis Eva Harwood (503003)Business and Labour HistoryHistoryEconomic History
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