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(346) Alexander Mann
This three-year research project began in January 2014 and investigated whether, during the Victorian period, the professions formed a distinct self-sustaining social group with its own mores and values. The project looked at 16,000 individuals drawn from census data for Alnwick, Brighton, Bristol, Dundee, Greenock, Leeds, Merthyr Tydfil, Morpeth, and Winchester. The research project was funded by the UK Economic & Social Research Council and was based at the Universities of Oxford and Northumbria.
Person ID
346Full Name
Alexander MannGender
POLICEDate of Birth
1 Nov 1795Place of Origin
Paisley, Renfrewshire, ScotlandDate of Death
26 Jun 1859Place of Death
15 Wilson Street, Greenock, Renfrewshire, ScotlandAge at Death
64Town Sample
1Marriage ID
347 (Margaret Wilson : wife), 348 (Allan Mann : father), 349 (Janet Miller : mother), 351 (Agnes Gibson : wife), 356 (Eliza Love Wilson Mann : child), 352 (Alexander Wilson Mann : child), 353 (Margaret Wilson Mann : child), 3838 (Jane Wilson Mann : child), 3839 (James Wilson Mann : child), 3840 (Alexander Mann : child), 3841 (William Crichton Mann : child), 3842 (Janet Hogart Mann : child), 3836 (Allan Mann : child), 3837 (John Mann : child), 354 (John Sawtell : son-in-law), 357 (Francis George Sanders : son-in-law), 3843 (John Sutherland : son-in-law), 3872 (William Webster : son-in-law), 3845 (John Sutherland : grandson), 3846 (James Sutherland : grandson), 3848 (Alexander Mann Sutherland : grandson), 3850 (George Sutherland : grandson), 3860 (William Sutherland : grandson), 3861 (Thomas Sutherland : grandson), 3866 (John Alexander Sawtell : grandson), 3834 (Maggie Sawtell : granddaughter), 3835 ([Bessie] Sarah Elizabeth Talbot Sawtell : granddaughter), 3847 (Agnes Sutherland : granddaughter), 3852 (Mary Walker Sutherland : granddaughter), 3859 (Christina Sutherland : granddaughter), 3862 (Janet Jessie Mann Sutherland : granddaughter), 3873 (Maggie Beatrice Webster : granddaughter), 3853 (Cockburn Margaret Forrest Bisset : granddaughter-in-law), 3854 (Margaret McGill Holmes : granddaughter-in-law), 3863 (Jane Forest Millar : granddaughter-in-law), 3869 (Ivy Christobel Bishop-Ackerman : granddaughter-in-law)Access Full Dataset
Usage metrics
GreenockPOLICEGeneration: 1106Alexander Mann (346)Margaret Wilson (347)Allan Mann (348)Janet Miller (349)Agnes Gibson (351)Eliza Love Wilson Mann (356)Alexander Wilson Mann (352)Margaret Wilson Mann (353)Jane Wilson Mann (3838)James Wilson Mann (3839)Alexander Mann (3840)William Crichton Mann (3841)Janet Hogart Mann (3842)Allan Mann (3836)John Mann (3837)John Sawtell (354)Francis George Sanders (357)John Sutherland (3843)William Webster (3872)John Sutherland (3845)James Sutherland (3846)Alexander Mann Sutherland (3848)George Sutherland (3850)William Sutherland (3860)Thomas Sutherland (3861)John Alexander Sawtell (3866)Maggie Sawtell (3834)[Bessie] Sarah Elizabeth Talbot Sawtell (3835)Agnes Sutherland (3847)Mary Walker Sutherland (3852)Christina Sutherland (3859)Janet Jessie Mann Sutherland (3862)Maggie Beatrice Webster (3873)Cockburn Margaret Forrest Bisset (3853)Margaret McGill Holmes (3854)Jane Forest Millar (3863)Ivy Christobel Bishop-Ackerman (3869)Business and Labour HistoryHistoryEconomic History
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