University of Oxford

(101351) Henry Lloyd

online resource
posted on 2022-11-02, 10:38 authored by Victorian ProfessionsVictorian Professions
This three-year research project began in January 2014 and investigated whether, during the Victorian period, the professions formed a distinct self-sustaining social group with its own mores and values. The project looked at 16,000 individuals drawn from census data for Alnwick, Brighton, Bristol, Dundee, Greenock, Leeds, Merthyr Tydfil, Morpeth, and Winchester. The research project was funded by the UK Economic & Social Research Council and was based at the Universities of Oxford and Northumbria.


The Professions in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Economic and Social Research Council

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Person ID


Full Name

Henry Lloyd





Date of Birth


Place of Origin

Kennington, London, England

Date of Death

17 Oct 1887

Place of Death

Camden House, Allington Road, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England

Age at Death


Town Sample




Marriage ID



101352 (Betsey Lloyd : wife), 101353 (Henry Joseph Lloyd : child), 101354 (Albert Lloyd : child), 101355 (Charles Thornton Lloyd : child), 101356 (Augustus Lloyd : child), 101357 (William Lloyd : child), 101358 (Jessie Emma Lloyd : child), 101370 (Henry James Ball : son-in-law), 101360 (Elizabeth Lloyd : daughter-in-law), 101364 (Emily Hearder Lloyd : daughter-in-law), 101365 (Harriet R Lloyd : daughter-in-law), 101367 (Betsy Louisa Pepler : daughter-in-law), 101369 (Sarah Ann Lloyd : daughter-in-law), 101361 (Henry Herbert Lloyd : grandson), 101363 (Albert Cecil Lloyd : grandson), 101377 (Harold Quintus Lloyd : grandson), 102910 (Arthur C Lloyd : grandson), 102919 (Vivien Lloyd : grandson), 102921 (Lancelot Arthur Lloyd : grandson), 102924 (Herbert John Lloyd : grandson), 102926 (Geoffrey Lloyd : grandson), 102933 (Charles Pepler Lloyd : grandson), 102940 (Frederick William Lloyd : grandson), 102943 (Arthur V Lloyd : grandson), 102973 (Percy Augustus Lloyd : grandson), 102974 (Lionel Victor Lloyd : grandson), 102983 (Francis Henry Ball : grandson), 101362 (Lillian Maude Lloyd : granddaughter), 102909 (Gertrude Eleanor Lloyd : granddaughter), 102920 (Agnes Ethel Lloyd : granddaughter), 102922 (Mabel Florence Lloyd : granddaughter), 102923 (Millicent Lloyd : granddaughter), 102925 (Beryl Hermione Lloyd : granddaughter), 102931 (Florence Bessie Lloyd : granddaughter), 102932 (Jessie Louisa Lloyd : granddaughter), 102934 (Edith Emily Lloyd : granddaughter), 102935 (Minnie Lucretia Lloyd : granddaughter), 102936 (Annie Gertrude Lloyd : granddaughter), 102937 (Blanche Ellen Lloyd : granddaughter), 102938 (Bertha Lillian Lloyd : granddaughter), 102939 (Rose Emmeline Lloyd : granddaughter), 102941 (Mabel Agnes Lloyd : granddaughter), 102942 (Winifred Daisy Ethel Lloyd : granddaughter), 102971 (Eva Augusta Lloyd : granddaughter), 102972 (Amy Aust Lloyd : granddaughter), 102981 (Theodora Madeline Ball : granddaughter), 102982 (Christine Marian Ball : granddaughter), 101372 (Charles Edward Parrott : grandson-in-law), 102915 (Horace Read Sidney : grandson-in-law), 102927 (Horace Hall : grandson-in-law), 102948 (Thomas Edward Colston Fraley : grandson-in-law), 102951 (Thomas Calomati Bamfield : grandson-in-law), 102955 (Howard Pitts : grandson-in-law), 102965 (Cecil George Duke : grandson-in-law), 102984 (Albert Edward Frank Orchard : grandson-in-law), 102911 (Ellen Louisa Stratton : granddaughter-in-law), 102944 (Florence Ellen Imber : granddaughter-in-law), 102961 (Theresa Hammersley H Clarke : granddaughter-in-law), 102976 (Clara Ada Cocks : granddaughter-in-law)

Usage metrics

    Victorian Professions


    BristolARCHITECTSGeneration: 1100410Henry Lloyd (101351)Betsey Lloyd (101352)Henry Joseph Lloyd (101353)Albert Lloyd (101354)Charles Thornton Lloyd (101355)Augustus Lloyd (101356)William Lloyd (101357)Jessie Emma Lloyd (101358)Henry James Ball (101370)Elizabeth Lloyd (101360)Emily Hearder Lloyd (101364)Harriet R Lloyd (101365)Betsy Louisa Pepler (101367)Sarah Ann Lloyd (101369)Henry Herbert Lloyd (101361)Albert Cecil Lloyd (101363)Harold Quintus Lloyd (101377)Arthur C Lloyd (102910)Vivien Lloyd (102919)Lancelot Arthur Lloyd (102921)Herbert John Lloyd (102924)Geoffrey Lloyd (102926)Charles Pepler Lloyd (102933)Frederick William Lloyd (102940)Arthur V Lloyd (102943)Percy Augustus Lloyd (102973)Lionel Victor Lloyd (102974)Francis Henry Ball (102983)Lillian Maude Lloyd (101362)Gertrude Eleanor Lloyd (102909)Agnes Ethel Lloyd (102920)Mabel Florence Lloyd (102922)Millicent Lloyd (102923)Beryl Hermione Lloyd (102925)Florence Bessie Lloyd (102931)Jessie Louisa Lloyd (102932)Edith Emily Lloyd (102934)Minnie Lucretia Lloyd (102935)Annie Gertrude Lloyd (102936)Blanche Ellen Lloyd (102937)Bertha Lillian Lloyd (102938)Rose Emmeline Lloyd (102939)Mabel Agnes Lloyd (102941)Winifred Daisy Ethel Lloyd (102942)Eva Augusta Lloyd (102971)Amy Aust Lloyd (102972)Theodora Madeline Ball (102981)Christine Marian Ball (102982)Charles Edward Parrott (101372)Horace Read Sidney (102915)Horace Hall (102927)Thomas Edward Colston Fraley (102948)Thomas Calomati Bamfield (102951)Howard Pitts (102955)Cecil George Duke (102965)Albert Edward Frank Orchard (102984)Ellen Louisa Stratton (102911)Florence Ellen Imber (102944)Theresa Hammersley H Clarke (102961)Clara Ada Cocks (102976)Business and Labour HistoryHistoryEconomic History



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