(100784) Edward Burges
This three-year research project began in January 2014 and investigated whether, during the Victorian period, the professions formed a distinct self-sustaining social group with its own mores and values. The project looked at 16,000 individuals drawn from census data for Alnwick, Brighton, Bristol, Dundee, Greenock, Leeds, Merthyr Tydfil, Morpeth, and Winchester. The research project was funded by the UK Economic & Social Research Council and was based at the Universities of Oxford and Northumbria.
Person ID
100784Full Name
Edward BurgesGender
SOLICITORDate of Birth
7 Nov 1816Place of Origin
Clifton, Gloucestershire, EnglandDate of Death
23 Nov 1890Place of Death
The Ridge, Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, EnglandAge at Death
75Town Sample
1Marriage ID
100785 (Ellen Burges : wife), 100786 (Mary Janet Burges : child), 100787 (Ellen Isabella Burges : child), 100788 (Dorothy Jessie Burges : child), 100789 (Penelope Rosalind Burges : child), 100790 (William Edward Parry Burges : child), 100791 (Edith Christiana Burges : child), 102015 (Mary Ann [Burges] : mother), 102014 (Daniel Burges : father), 102016 (Daniel Burges : sibling), 100792 (Peter Burges : child), 103831 (Edith Pinkerton : sibling), 100793 (Edward Richard Salwey : son-in-law), 100794 (William Waterhouse : son-in-law), 100806 (Archibald Seymour John Douglas : son-in-law), 100807 (Francis Thomas Lloyd : son-in-law), 100820 (Francis Alexander O'Brien : son-in-law), 100814 (Millicent Pettingal Miller : daughter-in-law), 100803 (Ellen Isolde Salwey : granddaughter), 100811 (Penelope Lloyd : granddaughter), 102733 (Mary Joyce Burges : granddaughter), 102734 (Milicent Olivia Burges : granddaughter), 102744 (Ellen O'Brien : granddaughter), 102745 (Clare O'Brien : granddaughter), 100804 (Edward Parry Liddon : grandson-in-law), 102736 (Stuart Blundell Rawlins : grandson-in-law), 102746 (Thomas Hattam Perry : grandson-in-law)Access Full Dataset
Usage metrics
BristolSOLICITORGeneration: 1100221Edward Burges (100784)Ellen Burges (100785)Mary Janet Burges (100786)Ellen Isabella Burges (100787)Dorothy Jessie Burges (100788)Penelope Rosalind Burges (100789)William Edward Parry Burges (100790)Edith Christiana Burges (100791)Mary Ann [Burges] (102015)Daniel Burges (102014)Daniel Burges (102016)Peter Burges (100792)Edith Pinkerton (103831)Edward Richard Salwey (100793)William Waterhouse (100794)Archibald Seymour John Douglas (100806)Francis Thomas Lloyd (100807)Francis Alexander O'Brien (100820)Millicent Pettingal Miller (100814)Ellen Isolde Salwey (100803)Penelope Lloyd (100811)Mary Joyce Burges (102733)Milicent Olivia Burges (102734)Ellen O'Brien (102744)Clare O'Brien (102745)Edward Parry Liddon (100804)Stuart Blundell Rawlins (102736)Thomas Hattam Perry (102746)Business and Labour HistoryHistoryEconomic History
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