(100335) Henry Kirkhouse
This three-year research project began in January 2014 and investigated whether, during the Victorian period, the professions formed a distinct self-sustaining social group with its own mores and values. The project looked at 16,000 individuals drawn from census data for Alnwick, Brighton, Bristol, Dundee, Greenock, Leeds, Merthyr Tydfil, Morpeth, and Winchester. The research project was funded by the UK Economic & Social Research Council and was based at the Universities of Oxford and Northumbria.
Person ID
100335Full Name
Henry KirkhouseGender
1782Place of Origin
Lansamlet, Glamorgan, WalesDate of Death
19 Jun 1866Place of Death
Maes Melin, Cadoxton, Maes Melin, Cadoxton, Glamorgan, WalesAge at Death
82Town Sample
Merthyr TydfilGeneration
1Marriage ID
100336 (Barbara Kirkhouse : wife), 100337 (Bedlington Kirkhouse : child), 100338 (Ann Kirkhouse : child), 100339 (Elizabeth Kirkhouse : child), 100340 (George Kirkhouse : child), 100341 (Barbara Kirkhouse : child), 100342 (Catherine Kirkhouse : child), 100343 (Jane Kirkhouse : child), 100344 (Robert Kirkhouse : child), 100345 (Howel Kirkhouse : child), 100347 (William Kirkhouse : child), 100349 (Herbert Kirkhouse : child), 102207 (Henry Kirkhouse : child), 100399 (Charles Chidlow : son-in-law), 103549 (James Morris : son-in-law), 100348 (Claudia Jones : daughter-in-law), 100350 (Alice Kirkhouse : daughter-in-law), 100351 (Elizabeth Bellam Price : daughter-in-law), 100355 (Maria Teresa Williams : daughter-in-law), 102200 (Margaret Phillips : daughter-in-law), 102148 (Henry Howel Kirkhouse : grandson), 102168 (Henry Price Kirkhouse : grandson), 102169 (Herbert James Kirkhouse : grandson), 102171 (Robert Rice Stuart Kirkhouse : grandson), 102172 (Howell Walter Kirkhouse : grandson), 102174 (Wynne Nugent Vaughan Kirkhouse : grandson), 102175 (James Brychan Kirkhouse : grandson), 102196 (Leolin William Kirkhouse : grandson), 102197 (Frank Herbert Kirkhouse : grandson), 102212 (Richard Llewellyn Kirkhouse : grandson), 102213 (Henry Kirkhouse : grandson), 102214 (George Lewis Kirkhouse : grandson), 102215 (Christopher Bedlington Kirkhouse : grandson), 102216 (William Phillips Kirkhouse : grandson), 102217 (Bedlington Howel Kirkhouse : grandson), 100352 (Mabel Catherine Gwendoline Kirkhouse : granddaughter), 102149 (Margaret Elizabeth Kirkhouse : granddaughter), 102150 (Barbara Jane Kirkhouse : granddaughter), 102151 (Catherine Mary Kirkhouse : granddaughter), 102170 (Gwladys Caroline Kirkhouse : granddaughter), 102173 (Jane Margaret Kirkhouse : granddaughter), 102198 (Barbara Mary Kirkhouse : granddaughter), 102218 (Catherine Margaret Kirkhouse : granddaughter), 102224 (Enid Mary Chidlow : granddaughter), 102226 (Christine Kirkhouse Chidlow : granddaughter), 102153 (Charles David Copley : grandson-in-law), 102158 (Robert James Hughes : grandson-in-law), 102163 (Hubert Charles Simpson : grandson-in-law), 102184 (Lewis William Morgan : grandson-in-law), 102196 (Leolin William Kirkhouse : grandson-in-law), 102217 (Bedlington Howel Kirkhouse : grandson-in-law), 102180 (Hannah Howells : granddaughter-in-law), 102187 (Margaret Jones : granddaughter-in-law), 102189 (Louisa May Edwards : granddaughter-in-law), 102198 (Barbara Mary Kirkhouse : granddaughter-in-law), 102204 (Florence Helen Hare Bedford : granddaughter-in-law), 102220 (Elizabeth Griffiths : granddaughter-in-law), 102223 (Matha Nicolini [Kirkhouse] : granddaughter-in-law), 102224 (Enid Mary Chidlow : granddaughter-in-law)Access Full Dataset
Usage metrics
Merthyr TydfilMINERAL AGENTGeneration: 1100086Henry Kirkhouse (100335)Barbara Kirkhouse (100336)Bedlington Kirkhouse (100337)Ann Kirkhouse (100338)Elizabeth Kirkhouse (100339)George Kirkhouse (100340)Barbara Kirkhouse (100341)Catherine Kirkhouse (100342)Jane Kirkhouse (100343)Robert Kirkhouse (100344)Howel Kirkhouse (100345)William Kirkhouse (100347)Herbert Kirkhouse (100349)Henry Kirkhouse (102207)Charles Chidlow (100399)James Morris (103549)Claudia Jones (100348)Alice Kirkhouse (100350)Elizabeth Bellam Price (100351)Maria Teresa Williams (100355)Margaret Phillips (102200)Henry Howel Kirkhouse (102148)Henry Price Kirkhouse (102168)Herbert James Kirkhouse (102169)Robert Rice Stuart Kirkhouse (102171)Howell Walter Kirkhouse (102172)Wynne Nugent Vaughan Kirkhouse (102174)James Brychan Kirkhouse (102175)Leolin William Kirkhouse (102196)Frank Herbert Kirkhouse (102197)Richard Llewellyn Kirkhouse (102212)Henry Kirkhouse (102213)George Lewis Kirkhouse (102214)Christopher Bedlington Kirkhouse (102215)William Phillips Kirkhouse (102216)Bedlington Howel Kirkhouse (102217)Mabel Catherine Gwendoline Kirkhouse (100352)Margaret Elizabeth Kirkhouse (102149)Barbara Jane Kirkhouse (102150)Catherine Mary Kirkhouse (102151)Gwladys Caroline Kirkhouse (102170)Jane Margaret Kirkhouse (102173)Barbara Mary Kirkhouse (102198)Catherine Margaret Kirkhouse (102218)Enid Mary Chidlow (102224)Christine Kirkhouse Chidlow (102226)Charles David Copley (102153)Robert James Hughes (102158)Hubert Charles Simpson (102163)Lewis William Morgan (102184)Hannah Howells (102180)Margaret Jones (102187)Louisa May Edwards (102189)Florence Helen Hare Bedford (102204)Elizabeth Griffiths (102220)Matha Nicolini [Kirkhouse] (102223)Business and Labour HistoryHistoryEconomic History
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