Silver gilt strap-tag, tip broken, length now 4.6 cm. Has square back, originally split to slot in strap which was held by two dome-headed silver rivets. Back piece broken away. Front of back decorated around edge with two rows of nielloed triangles making reserved silver zig-zag. In panel thus formed an irregular step-pattern pseudo-cloison design. Below butt a triangular pendant panel with cut-away field and chip-carved pattern of disjected interlaced loops, maybe copied from zoomorphic design - loops grooved and nielloed originally. Rest of front slopes away on either side from middle, is thickly gilded (as is chip-carved panel) and decorated around edge with punched motifs in two rows, lattice pattern inside dots. Two circlet and dot stamps flank centre in middle. Back has chip-carved panel below butt, geometric pattern gilded, ridges grooved but no trace of niello. Rest of back cut away towards centre to leave median bar which is transversely moulded 6 times at top where it joins panel. This also shows traces of gilding, but none of rest of back.
Grave ID
Guilton Grave 23
Object ID
Catalogue Number
M 6017
white metal, gilt, niello (Sonia Hawkes Material Notes; silver, niello, gilt) (Antiquarian Material; brass, gilt)