1. Bronze annular brooch, diam. 3.9cm. Very worn. Width of ring max. 6mm. Flat, with pin hole in one side. Dec. with row of irregular lunate punch marks.2. Bronze annular brooch, diam. 4.5 max, oval. Very worn. Narrow waist for pin back. Slight trace of engraved line dec. flanking this. Ring width max 7mm.3. Bronze ring, diam. 4.3cm. Shallow semi-circular section. width of ring 9mm max, damaged. Slight wear as of pin on one side.4. Bronze annular brooch, diam. 4.1cm. Ring width 5mm max, very worn, oval section. Remains of back of iron pin on one side, wear as from pin tip opposite. Dec. all round of transverse engraved lines regularly spaced.5. [see Ozengell, M 8485]6. Bronze ring, diam. 4.1cm, width of ring 5-6mm, but thickened in four places where rivets on reverse side regularly spaced. No dec.Originally listed as six rings/brooches, but one (SCH card number 5) is associated with the site of Ozengell and the remaining five are unprovenanced – D.H.SCH card groups brooches and rings together, but only her numbers 1, 2 and 4 are annular brooches; 3 and 6 are classed as rings. – B.B.
Grave ID
Object ID
Catalogue Number
M 8485
copper alloy, iron (Sonia Hawkes Material Notes; bronze, iron) (Antiquarian Material; N/A)