The story of Able Seaman C/JX 243134 Charles Joseph Wilkinson onboard HMS Princess Beatrix with no leave for two years
Attached is a transcription of part of a notebook kept during World War 2 by Able Seaman C/JX 243134 Charles Joseph Wilkinson. Joined up from 15 January 1941 to 27 March 1945 when transferred to Army, No 14973228 and served with the Lincolns until his final discharge on 23 July 1946. These notes were obviously written at the time and have been around for a number of years. As a result, they have suffered with some parts being difficult to read and some parts are now missing. For his service, Charlie received the 1939 - 1945 Medal, the Atlantic Star, the Africa Star, the North African Clasp, the Italy Star and the 1939 - 1945 Star.
In 2012, after further research, it became apparent that Charles was awarded a "Mentioned In Despatches" for which he received an Oak Leaf emblem.
Transcribed by Ian H Daniels - his son-in-law - in November 2006.