CCLX. Two interments, a woman and a child. A minute ring of silver-wire between the knees of the child, and a small circular fibula beside it; nearer the head, a still smaller fibula. A bronze ornament, broken, and very imperfect, but with the upper portion containing two garnets. Twenty-six beads [KAS 438], four being black bugles, and most of the others amber [KAS 292], lay near the neck of the larger skeleton. A bronze ring and a fragment of green glass [AS 60], probably Roman, were at the feet. The fibula first discovered is of bronze-gilt, an inch in diameter, and of saucer-shape, an unusual type in Kent, with scrolled ornament, a sharp raised outer edge, and a garnet in the centre. The smaller fibula, little more than half its size, has also a garnet in the centre, and is ornamented with two raised beadings.
Grave title
Date excavated
between August and November 1864
Brent 1868
Page number
Sonia Hawkes description
Double interment; woman and childa. minute ring of silver wire, b. small circular fibula, c. smaller circular fibula, d. bronze ornament much broken, e. 26 beads, f. bronze ring, g. fragment of green glass