Pair of electrum or silver-gilt pendant crosses, length 2cm. They were identical, and consist each of a composite Greek cross, made of two thin sheets of metal, the front decorated in repoussé, the back plain and cut in one with reeded loop (now broken off) which was rolled over and soldered at top. Originally they were held together by some sort of paste and enclosed in a tiny silver frame, but this crumbled and broken on being taken from ground. Decoration on front - in middle 5 concentric circles - at top and bottom on arms 2 interlinked arc-like loops with pellet between - on side arms a diagonal cross pattern made by four triangles in frames. N.B. gilded on one side, plain silver on other.
Grave ID
Kingston Down Grave 142
Object ID
Catalogue Number
M 6271
white metal, gilt, backing paste (Sonia Hawkes Material Notes; silver, gilt, paste) (Antiquarian Material; silver, gilt, cement)
Complete Keyword List (Including Alternatives)
other pendants (Sonia Hawkes Keyword; pendants) (Antiquarian Keyword; N/A)