Our Mum in the Wrens
No 65524 Joyce Rosina Kohn WRNS
My mum joined the WRNS on September 8th, 1943. Her Certificate of Service places her under the administration of HMS Pembroke III when she began her provisional training at HMS Collingwood, Fareham. On September 20th, she became a full Wren and went on to train as a teleprinter operator. By October 13th, she was assigned to HMS Victory III, where she was employed as a full-time, specialized, teleprinter operator. From there, she was reassigned to HMS Shrapnel, finally being drafted to work under C in Cs HMS Victory III and then, on February 13th, 1944, sent to work directly under C in Cs Portsmouth at UGHQ Fort Southwick as one of 700 men and women coordinating Operation Neptune, which was the naval phase of the D-Day operation. She remained in service until May 5th, 1946.
During her time at Fort Southwick, she was billeted at Littlecroft, a house in Catisford near Fareham, and I have a snap book of photos she took when she was there. I have included pictures of her in uniform and one with her best friend, Joan. Also her UGHQ pass and WRNS Employment Certificate.