My parent's war story
Father (George Toon) worked in Whitehall - he arranged evacuation notices in London and was involved in organisation of evacuees.
In accounts:
- Evacuation letter for mother - evacuated to Stroud - Malvern
- Other grandfather - Home Guard - Farnborough Airport
- Died young, George RI, probably died shortly after war, 52-59 years of age
- Dinner menu - with signatures of attendees
- Censored postcard - father to mother (from ship?)
- Certificate of post-war credit for mother - before married
- Health and pensions stamps and forms
- Blood donor card
- Telegram and holiday photo
- Medal - uncle ribbons unknown
- Some WWI Defence Medal
- Air [Raid] Accounts
Mother (Dorothy Adams) evacuated to [can't read the placename] codebreaker centre (we think?) girls school - see photo album 1939
Had brilliant time - cycled and got fresh air. Many Londoners in Malvern during the war.
Mother's boyfriend left for war and was killed - still writing after evacuated. Last pictures of boyfriend (taken before he left?). Served in Desert Air Force. Letters dated 1941, sent care of headquarters - Air Ministry, RAF.
Father posted to Rhodesia - has all letters to his mother. "The Toon Report" - dreaded in Whitehall as news of cuts.
Father send postcards from Pretoria. Photographs of animals, lions, etc.
[Note: notation below does not tally with wider story]
...led a column of men from Paris to Saint Nazaire - stopped to pick up people who had been torpedoed on HMS Lancaster.
Father didn't fight, posted after war to Germany - possible military admin, but didn't talk about his work. Took secrecy very seriously.
During his time in Germany, he lived on a base - describes it as "like a Party, a year-long party".
Parents in civil service as they passed exams. Mother left post-marriage (aged 23 when married) - not through civil service.
Bike trips to Germany - Nazis. Italy - heard Mussolini - arrested for kissing girl in a park.
Uncle survived, but with shellshock.
Rural family (from Shropshire) - grandfather took post as a headteacher in Hackney.
Blackout curtain - made by grandmother.