My grandfather, Flt Lt Bernhard Green
My grandfather, Flt Lt Bernhard Green, served in the RAF during WW2. He volunteered as a gunnery instructor during the war.
Became a POW at some point - escaped POW camp through a tunnel - travelled 49 miles before recaptured - discovered due to bad German.
First time he was captured by Danish police in turf factory - second time he escaped he was apprehended by a German private.
Died in 1971.
Also had a Scottish great-uncle, Adrian Green, born in 1919.
Served as Lieutenant in the Reconnaissance Corps. He did not take part in D-Day as his tonsils were being taken out in Scotland at the time.
Served with 22nd Polish Division as an Acting Captain. His helmet saved his life - got into a [incident] with a Volkswagen, but acted as an 'airbag'.
Married in 1948.
Has souvenirs from the Nazis - Wehrmacht - 'coin' found in a house in Germany.