Memories of the War - Thomas Hall
Thomas Hall joined the TA in February 34: Second Monmouthshire Regiment. 9/10 siblings all joined the same units, eventually moving elsewhere. He trained in Northern Ireland. He was in Norway protecting a site when he was wounded and then evacuated back to the main naval base.
Short recovery then volunteered for the newly formed commandos (June 1940). He also trained in Dartmouth, Winchester and North Wales. At this time, the siblings had separated, joining different factions of the army such as TA and Ammunitions.
He joined the Pin Pick range, heading over to France. Then trained for the North African invasion. He fought in North Africa until April 43. Whilst on a convoy over the med sea, he witnessed a ship (HMT Rohna) sink. Over 1,000 US personnel were killed.
In the last week of January 1945, there were 500-600 people hand-to-hand fighting in bunkers, where a comrade of his (Lt. George Knowland) defended his position by throwing hand grenades and a two-inch mortar from his hip. The Japanese were purposely calling 'Tommy Tommy I'm injured " to get friends to come. After it was over, they found over 500 Japanese dead. One of his youngest siblings died in September 1944. One sibling was taken into a Japanese war camp where they were held for 3.5 years.