University of Oxford

Memories of Able Seaman James Robert Gray RN

online resource
posted on 2024-06-05, 19:54 authored by Their Finest Hour Project Team

Onboard the HMS Onslow - Destroyer.

Private Harry Noon - 8th Army - North Africa.

Able Seaman Gray travelled from Gibraltar to Russia through the Atlantic to escort the Merchant Navy Ships carrying supplies for the war effort. He was torpedoed twice, having to dock in Belfast fore repairs and then served on several other ships whilst his ship the Onslow was repaired. The average forays undertaken by the ships crew was 2-3 journeys, however AB Gray went on 6.


Item list and details

1. Shell casing 2. 6 x medals 3. Photographs in frame 4. Photographs and Xmas cards

Person the story/items relate to

James Robert Gray Harry Noon

Person who shared the story/items

Linda Sanderson-Schofield / Karen Amanda Howell

Relationship between the subject of the story and its contributor

Father / grandfather / uncle / great uncle

Type of submission

Shared at Lancing Prep Worthing, West Sussex on 16 September 2023.

Record ID

105893 | LAN013