University of Oxford

Marine-Fraser Maple and LAC Ernest Ball

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posted on 2024-06-05, 19:57 authored by Their Finest Hour Project Team

Marine-Fraser Maple was a nurse training at St Thomas's in 1943. She remembered saving sugar from the ration to help fight off the cold at night, and wearing cardigans under their nurse's uniforms to keep warm. Started nursing properly around the time of the V1 attacks in 1944.

LAC E D Ball was stationed in the Azores with the RAF.


Item list and details

1. Diaries (possibly of Maple) 2. Memorabilia from time in the Azores (Ball) - photos, pantomime programmes, etc

Person the story/items relate to

Marine-Fraser Maple and Ernest Dudley Ball

Person who shared the story/items

John Alexander Arkell

Relationship between the subject of the story and its contributor

Mother and Uncle

Type of submission

Shared at Skinners School, Kent on 15 September 2023.

Record ID

101746 | SKI010