Tumulus and grave much as the last. The bones of another child almost decayed: no appearance of a coffin. A slender silver-ring, with a sliding knot, as before; and a round piece of agate (as I take it to be), convex on one side, and flat on the other. It has a small hole through its edge [M 6163]; I suppose, in order to hang it to the neck; near which it was found. It is scarce an inch diameter, and about a quarter of an inch thick in the middle. Here were also two small brass buckles, with thin brass shanks; also a round flatfish piece of baked earth [M 6158], of a blueish colour: it is convex on one side, and flat on the other; and has a large round hole in its centre: it is one and a half inch in diameter, and rather more than half an inch thick. I imagine it to have been a little discus, or quoit, or some other plaything for the child. It has since occurred to me that this, and the many other things like this, which I have found (and mentioned in their several places), may, probably, have been formerly used and played with, as children among us play with button-molds, viz., by passing a piece of wood through their centre and spinning them with their finger and thumb.