Card 1: Silver-gilt circular brooch with garnets and shell, diam. 2.5cm. Rim with double row of nielloed triangles, four triangular cells set with garnets on die-stamped chequered foil (2 garnets now missing, and in one no foil left), circular central cell set with flat setting of white (green stained) with impression of missing ring. Chip carved decoration between garnets, 2 helmet heads, 2 grooves, inside nicked ridges. Behind normal catchplate and pit attachements, catch broken.Card 2: 2 circular fibulae, one of peculiar and archaic type.i. diam. 2.5cm, 2 cms of cross between garnets contain helmeted style I heads.ii. max. width 1.5cm. Damaged at back - silver back plate, frame. Cloisons silver gilt.
Grave ID
Sarre Grave 158
Object ID
Catalogue Number
KAS 404
gold, white material, white metal, garnet, inlay, niello (Sonia Hawkes Material Notes; silver, gilt, garnets, shell, niello, foil) (Antiquarian Material; N/A)