University of Oxford

James Heath's English childhood

online resource
posted on 2024-06-05, 18:09 authored by Their Finest Hour Project Team

Please note that this submission contains links to websites that are created and maintained by other individuals and organisations. The viewpoints expressed on those websites do not necessarily represent the views of the Their Finest Hour project team or the University of Oxford.

This discussion took place at Indiana University Kokomo in 2016 for its course, Behind the Lines: Film and Literature of World War II: Second World Warforum-final+(2)/1_bwnsoyca


Item list and details

Five photographs of a mortar shell that was engraved by a soldier. When he shipped out, he gave this item to John Heath (James Heath's father).

Person the story/items relate to

James Heath

Person who shared the story/items

Sarah Heath

Relationship between the subject of the story and its contributor

James Heath is my father

Type of submission

Shared online via the Their Finest Hour project website.

Record ID