From Sarre or Bifrons.Sword: in poor condition, brittle and flaking, and splitting in horizontal plane - now in two pieces. Length 86cm approx, but part of tang missing, and it is difficult to calculate what has been lost in middle. The original account says 34inches long, and it is about right except that it has lost a part of its tang. Add 2cm for missing bit - 88cm (34 3/4 inches). Width of blade in scabbard - 6cm. Remains of wooden scabbard shows vertical ribbing (cf. other egs. with similar effect). There are a few visible traces of the hairy scabbard lining, but the blade is very gummed up and not much can be seen in detail. The imprint of the lower guard is there, width 1.2cm. Again it looks like wood. The pommel is missing.X-ray 21: Blade has little metal left, and the X-ray is not clear: certainly it was a pattern-welded blade, with 3 composite rods in double assembly, and ?alternate pattern.X-ray could not be located in 2006-7. – D.H.