MS 723, folio 35: Sibertswold boxes. No. 180 \Box. [image of key] [image of lock-bolt] Iron plate of lock taken with the former instrument was placed - I doubt but their instrument were key and bolt\"Gatty Slip [M 6381]: Portion of lock found at Sibertswold Down Kent. Fornerly in the Faussett coll. Vide Inven. Sep. pp. 133 134 (grave 180) pl. opp. 133 no. 1 [image].Gatty Slip [M 6575]: 5 Remnants possibly of the rim of a box made of brass - found on Sibertswold Down Kent - A label with them says 'Grave 180' but there is no mention of them in the original MSS. Formerly in the Faussett coll."[M 6381] Mayer card: Portion of a lock, 2 1/4 inch long.[M 6575] Grave 185? Mayer card: Bronze fragments, possibly of rim of box. M 6575 represents fragments of the box mount M 6381 that became dis-associated. Note that the Gatty Slip illustration of M 6381 shows only a small portion of the lock plate that had previously been illustrated and published. SCH card indicates that M 6575 might belong to grave 185, an error introduced on the Mayer card. – B.B. & D.H.