Jewelled silver disc brooch (Frankish), diam. 2.7cm. Constructional details obscured by wax used to reinforce it, but eveidently it had an iron or iron and silver backplate, and a silver rim enclosing silver cloisons set with flat garnets on past backing and chequered gold foil. Pattern of two concentric circles inside rim, divided by straight cloisons, 8 dividing outermost sector, 4 the next sector, but cloisons staggered. In centre, a tiny roundel set with cabochon white paste(?).On Mayer card: M 7277?It is clear from the Gatty Slip that this object should be M 7277, not M 7275A as catalogued on the Mayer card and repeated by SCH. – B.B.
Grave ID
Object ID
Catalogue Number
M 7277
white metal, white material, gold, iron, garnet, inlay (Sonia Hawkes Material Notes; silver, iron, gold foil, white paste, cloison) (Antiquarian Material; N/A)
Complete Keyword List (Including Alternatives)
other brooches (Sonia Hawkes Keyword; brooch) (Antiquarian Keyword; N/A)