University of Oxford

In Taunton during the War

online resource
posted on 2024-06-05, 18:59 authored by Their Finest Hour Project Team

Having arrived in England, in Liverpool, Christmas 1942, and stayed with my grand-parents at 10 Wylva Road (still there!) my father was drafted down to Somerset to work and the family given a commandeered house to live in in Taunton. The first was 36 Manor Road, after which we moved in with "Jasper", to his large, modern, 3 bedroomed detached at 22 Henley Road. (see Pic.4 )

(Pic. 5) shows myself and 3 older friends who lived opposite collecting"money for the Guy" which they had made. Also wood, collected for the bonfire.

I remember there was an American camp across the field at the end of the road and down a cinder track where we would go, hoping to be given chewing gum.

(Pic. 6) shows myself and my sister Barbara, with her two friends, John and Richard. On VE Day we all got on our bikes, bedecked with flags, to race round the streets celebrating. Richard's flag fell off and between the spokes of his front wheel. He crashed and broke his arm.


Item list and details

Pic.4 - photo of 22, Henley Road now Pic. 5 "Money for the Guy!" Pic. 6 Friends

Person the story/items relate to

Barbara Black and her friends

Person who shared the story/items

Margaret Hopkins (nee Black)

Relationship between the subject of the story and its contributor

My sister

Type of submission

Shared online via the Their Finest Hour project website.

Record ID