University of Oxford

Guilton Grave 76

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posted on 2021-11-10, 15:13 authored by Helena HamerowHelena Hamerow
Grave as the last, and about three feet deep. Black remains of a coffin: bones pretty perfect. Near the neck were several slender rings, as at No. 27, etc., which all brake in pieces with the least touch: also twelve glass and earthen beads; and one large and long one, striped with red and yellow [M 6066]; and also one white and transparent. Near these was a round silver fibula subnectens [M 6067], set with three garnets round about, and with something in the centre, which is lost; the intervals are wrought and gilded: two blades of knives: an iron instrument, exactly like that described at No. 15, etc. Many small links, as heretofore; these were rusted together, and had among them, as at No, 27, etc., several small brass pins; also a piece of an iron instrument.[1] Here were also several long iron nails.[1] See also, under the head of Kingston, Nos. 50 and 142, similar objects. They appertained to the costume of females, being suspended in the same manner as the analogous ornaments from Saxon and Frankish graves, figured in the Collectanea Antiqua, vol. ii, plates LV and LVI, which may be compared with the modern chatelaine. It will, however, be observed, that the examples from the Kentish graves vary in form from those referred to; and possess, like some of the other remains from this district, a local character. Analogous ornaments, though of a much later date, found in Livonia, are represented in Professor Bähr's Gräber der Liven, Dresden, 1850. The sepulchral antiquities therein described, are now in the British Museum.- C.R.S.


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