University of Oxford
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Greeting Soldiers Returning from Dunkirk

online resource
posted on 2024-06-05, 20:04 authored by Their Finest Hour Project Team

The contributor's mother, Elizabeth Jane Box, was born in 1928. Elizabeth was a child growing up during the war. She remembered the radio broadcast that announced the start of the war. Elizabeth found the war exciting in many ways; she lived beside the small village of Shamley Green in Surrey. Her father was a solicitor in London.

During the Dunkirk evacuation, Elizabeth's mother, Lilian Box, was involved in the Women's Institute (WI). Elizabeth Jane painted a picture of the troops returning on ships from Dunkirk. There were train loads of troops coming back into the UK. Elizabeth Jane and her mother went to the train station with the WI to bring the soldiers food, towels, shaving gear, etc. In amongst the British troops was a French soldier, Henri Haquin. Henry gave Elizabeth's mum a card and asked her to write to his daughter Marie Helene, who was 11 years old. Lilian wrote to the daughter. They never heard back from Marie, but never forgot the story. Elizabeth has tried hard to trace the French family with no success.

Elizabeth Jane and her sister also found a butterfly bomb while out cycling. They picked the butterfly bomb up and took it to the police. Their mother gave them a terrible row.


Item list and details

1 - Photo of Elizabeth (left) and sister Susan (right) in the Guides uniform 2 - Photo of Lilian Box (with Elizabeth and John) - (Lilian went to meet Dunkirk soldiers off the train) 3 - Elizabeth's painting of Dunkirk 4 - Card given by French soldier and details of asking to contact his daughter

Person the story/items relate to

Elizabeth Jane Box

Person who shared the story/items

Elizabeth Hamilton

Relationship between the subject of the story and its contributor

Mother of the contributor

Type of submission

Shared at University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh on 25 November 2023.

Record ID

110250 | EDI041