University of Oxford

Great Escape Survivor Lieutenant Alexander Desmond Neely

online resource
posted on 2024-06-05, 19:46 authored by Their Finest Hour Project Team

Alexander Desmond Neely was born in India 4th November 1917. His father was a railway builder and when he died in India, Alexander returned to the UK.

He joined the RAF and was a member of the Fleet Air Arm piloting Swordfish torpedo bombers. His plane was shot down at Loos. He was sent to the Barth in the Baltic and spent much of his time digging tunnels. The whole story was written down by his mother and is visualised as images in the Objects section.

After the war, he bought a farm.


Item list and details

1. Alexander Neely at the 50th Anniversary of the 50 who died. 2. His mother's version of Alexander's WWII story. 3. The 50th anniversary at the site of the PoW camp. 4. Memorial Service for the 50 members. 5. Copy of the former Secret General Questions for ex-UK / US PoWs.

Person the story/items relate to

Lieutenant Alexander Desmond Neely

Person who shared the story/items

Elizabeth Moira Jones

Relationship between the subject of the story and its contributor


Type of submission

Shared at West Meads Community Hall, West Sussex on 11 November 2023. The event was organised by Bognor Regis u3a.

Record ID

106118 | BOG042