University of Oxford

Gold D-bracteate

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posted on 2021-10-27, 15:33 authored by Helena HamerowHelena Hamerow
Brent 1863, 314-5: The Gold Pendants.-These are thin circular plates of gold, stamped in patterns, and supplied with loops, also of gold, for suspension. They are of three sizes. The diameter of the largest is about 1 1/4 inch, and its weight 3 dwts. 3 grs.; of the smallest 1 1/8 inch, and 1 dwt. 21 grs.; the remaining four are alike in size, intermediate between these two, and weigh 2 dwts. 17 grs. They are of pure gold, and stamped on one side only, the central ornament in them all being curious patterns of scrolled and interlaced figures.[1] some of which are like attempts at emblematical designs,- rude hints, perhaps, afterwards improved by other northern and German nations, and ingrafted into those architectural designs which gave a new style to Europe. The largest example has a beaded edge, and a second circular line a quarter of an inch within it; the space between the two being filled with a double-lined zigzag-ornament; this pendant, too, has a small twist of gold overlaid at the junction of the loop. The others have only their edges beaded, and in smaller beading, except two, which have a circle of rather scanty dots just within this, and one of which has four little knobs overlaid where the loop joins.Mr. C. Roach Smith, in his Collectanea Antiqua, enumerating the Saxon ornaments from Ozingell, gives an example very like these pendants, though less in size than the smallest; and another, embossed not dissimilarly, is in Plate XI. of the Inventorium Sepulchrale. A single example was afterwards found in another grave at Sarr, with beads of amber and other material.[1] It will be observed in the very accurate illustrations which accompany this description, that three of these pendants are exactly alike, and evidently stamped by the same mould. It is curious to see that the loops of these three, though clearly attached after the stamping, are very nearly, though not quite, in the same position in each; near enough, however, to shew that the figures are intended to be regarded with that point uppermost (to shew it indeed more plainly for the slight difference, as proving the loop to have been fixed by the eye and not by any merely mechanical arrangement). This gives us plainly a designed bottom and top to the group of figures, and, given a bottom and top, must we not suppose there to have been a meaning also? – T. G. F.Six circular pendants of thin gold plate with gold loops for suspension, lying between shoulders. Largest diam. 1 1/4inch, smallest diam. 2/8inch. 4 intermediary of identical size. All are stamped on only one side (with \rude hints\"!)2) 3.1cm; 4 applied globules below loop"Catalogue number KAS 514 used for all six pendants. – D.H.


Grave ID

Sarre Grave 4

Object ID


Catalogue Number

KAS 514-2 (AS 114 b)


gold (Sonia Hawkes Material Notes; gold) (Antiquarian Material; gold)

Complete Keyword List (Including Alternatives)

bracteate, pendant (Sonia Hawkes Keyword; pendant) (Antiquarian Keyword; pendant)




Maidstone Museum


Kent Archaeological Society

Category ID


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    The Novum Inventorium Sepulchrale


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