50 bone gaming pieces or counters, at left side near umbo and 'all together, as if the contents of a bag or purse which had decayed.' He suggested there may have been about 60, originally, but 50 seems good round number for such a game.Some are very fragmentary, others very decayed. They vary considerably:21 now have circlet punch-marks on their upper surfaces: these are all about 2cm in diam., and flat on the base with a low convex surface varying slightly in height. All seem to have 4 circlets - one triple in centre, with smaller doubles evenly spaced around.Of the rest, all of which seem to be unmarked, although some are too decayed for it to be certain, 19 are of the same low convex shape, but with varying diameters from 4-3/5cm and heights. About 8 are more conical in form, one or two pronouncedly so. 2 are conical/convex, and made from animal teeth.For parallels see gr. 198.
Grave ID
Sarre Grave 6
Object ID
Catalogue Number
KAS 393
worked animal bone, organic (Sonia Hawkes Material Notes; bone) (Antiquarian Material; ivory, bone, tooth)