E07468: Very fragmentary painted Latin and Greek inscriptions, allegedly referring to the see of *Peter (the Apostle, S00036), and to *Papias (martyr of Rome, S02057). Found in the Coemeterium Maius / Catacombe di Sant'Emerenziana on the via Nomentana, Rome. Probably late 4th - early 5th c. [provisional entry]
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posted on 2019-03-23, 00:00authored bypnowakowski
Inscription A:
II febras ob amor[- - -] IS san.[- - -]
The text was restored by Armellini as follows: [XV kal.] febras ob amor[em sed]is san[cti Petri qua primum] Romae se[dit]/'[On the 15th day before the Calends] of February, through love of the see of Saint [Peter, which (?)] he first held in Rome'. Ferrua is rightly sceptical about the accuracy of this restoration.
Inscription B:
(monogramm: Θεόδωρος) πρ(εσβύτερος)
'Theodore the presbyter'
The inscription is probably later than the other two, and dated to the 5th c. by de Rossi.
Inscription C:
[---]p[---] [---]ia [---]
This is taken by Ferrua as the name of the martyr Papias and associated with $E06038.
Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Suburban catacombs and cemeteries
Cult activities - Places
Burial site of a saint - cemetery/catacomb
Cult activities - Non Liturgical Practices and Customs
Cult Activities - Protagonists in Cult and Narratives
Ecclesiastics - lesser clergy
Inscription A: on a wall in cubiculum G, to the left of the entrance.
Inscription B: on a large marble plaque ('mensa marmorea') closing an arcosolium tomb in cubiculum G.
Inscription C: on a fragment of plaster (H. 7 cm. W. 7 cm). Letters painted black, letter height 2.5-3 cm. When recorded by Ferrua, the fragment was kept in cubiculum G, but was said to have been found at the staircase B, under a wall-painting showing martyrs.
Epigraphic Database Bari, no. EDB35779.
see http://www.edb.uniba.it/epigraph/35779
Epigraphic Database Bari, no. EDB16898.
see http://www.edb.uniba.it/epigraph/16898
Epigraphic Database Bari, no. EDB35780.
see http://www.edb.uniba.it/epigraph/35780
De Rossi, G.B., Ferrua, A. (eds.) Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae Septimo Saeculo Antiquiores, n.s., vol. 8: Coemeteria viarum Nomentanae et Salariae (Vatican: Pont. Institutum Archaeologiae Christianae, 1983), no. 21594 (with further bibliography).