E07142: Greek translation of Jerome's Life of *Hilarion (anchorite in Palestine and Cyprus, S00099). The text survives in three recensions; the earliest is possibly very late 4th century in date. Skeleton entry
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posted on 2018-12-04, 00:00authored byerizos
Jerome of Stridon, Life of Hilarion, Greek translation (BHG 751z, BHG 752, BHG 753)
For the content of the original Latin text and the author, see E00694.
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Hilarion, anchorite in Palestine and Cyprus, ob. 371 : S00099
Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Caesarea Maritima
Turris Stratonis
Major author/Major anonymous work
Jerome of Stridon
Cult activities - Non Liturgical Practices and Customs
Composing and translating saint-related texts
For the manuscript tradition of the text, see:
The primary translation of the Life of Hilarion survives in three recensions, the earliest of which is probably BHG 751z, which is an almost verbatim rendering of the original Latin phrasing into Greek. Jerome reports that his text was translated into Greek by a certain Sophronius, soon after the publication of the original text in 391. BHG 751z may possibly have been written then.
Strout, R.F. "The Greek versions of Jerome’s Vita Sancti Hilarionis," in W.A. Oldfather (ed.), Studies in the Text Tradition of St. Jerome’s Vitae Patrum (Urbana, 1943), 306-448.
Further reading:
Fischer, E.A., "Greek translations of Latin literature in the fourth century A.D.," Yale Classical Studies 27 (1982), 173-215, esp. 193-200.
Lampadaridi, A., "Traduire et réécrire la Vie d'Hilarion (BHL 3879): l'apport d'une nouvelle version grecque," in: S. Marjanović-Dušanić and B. Flusin (eds.), Remanier, métaphraser. Fonctions et techniques de la réécriture dans le monde byzantin (Belgrade, 2011), 45-60.