E06989: The De Locis Sanctis, a guide to the graves of the martyrs around Rome, lists those on the via Ostiensis, south-west of the city. Written in Latin in Rome, 642/683.
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posted on 2018-10-26, 00:00 authored by BryanOn the Holy Places of the Martyrs which are outside the City of Rome (De locis sanctis martyrum quae sunt foris civitatis Romae), via Ostiensis
In parte autem australi ciuitatis iuxta uiam Ostensem Paulus apostolus corpore pausat, et Timotheus episcopus et martyr, de quo meminit liber Siluestri, ibidem dormit. Et ante frontem eiusdem basilicae oratorium est Stephani martyris; lapis ibi, quo lapidatus est Stephanus, super altare est positus.
Inde haud procul in meridiem monasterium est aquae Saluiae, ubi caput sancti Anastasi est et locus ubi decollatus est Paulus.
Prope quoque basilicae Pauli ecclesia sanctae Teclae est ubi ipsa corpore iacet.
Et non longe inde ecclesia sancti Felicis est ubi ipse dormit, cum quo quando ad caelum migrauit, pariter properabat Adauctus; et ambo requiescunt in uno loco. Ibi quoque et Nemeseus martyr cum plurimis iacet.
'In the southern part of the city, however, close by the via Ostiensis, the apostle Paul rests in the body, and there too sleeps Timotheus, bishop and martyr, about whom the book of Silvester bears record. And in front of the same basilica is the oratory of Stephen the martyr; there a stone, with which Stephen was stoned, is placed on the altar.
Not far from there to the south is the monastery ad Aquas Salvias, where the head of saint Anastasius is and the place where Paul was beheaded.
Also, close by the basilica of Paul, is the church of saint Thecla where she herself lies in the body.
And not far away is the church of saint Felix where he sleeps; by his side, when he went to the heavens, hurried Adauctus; and both rest in one place. There too lies the martyr Nemeseus with many more.'
Text: Valentini and Zucchetti 1942, 109-110. Translation: P. Polcar.
[*Paul, the Apostle, S00008; *Timotheus, martyr of Rome, S00330; *Stephen, the First Martyr, S00030; *Anastasios, monk and martyr of Persia, ob. 628, S02052; *Thecla, follower of the Apostle Paul, S00092; Felix and Adauctus, martyrs of Rome, S00421; Nemesius, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Ostiensis, S01078]
In parte autem australi ciuitatis iuxta uiam Ostensem Paulus apostolus corpore pausat, et Timotheus episcopus et martyr, de quo meminit liber Siluestri, ibidem dormit. Et ante frontem eiusdem basilicae oratorium est Stephani martyris; lapis ibi, quo lapidatus est Stephanus, super altare est positus.
Inde haud procul in meridiem monasterium est aquae Saluiae, ubi caput sancti Anastasi est et locus ubi decollatus est Paulus.
Prope quoque basilicae Pauli ecclesia sanctae Teclae est ubi ipsa corpore iacet.
Et non longe inde ecclesia sancti Felicis est ubi ipse dormit, cum quo quando ad caelum migrauit, pariter properabat Adauctus; et ambo requiescunt in uno loco. Ibi quoque et Nemeseus martyr cum plurimis iacet.
'In the southern part of the city, however, close by the via Ostiensis, the apostle Paul rests in the body, and there too sleeps Timotheus, bishop and martyr, about whom the book of Silvester bears record. And in front of the same basilica is the oratory of Stephen the martyr; there a stone, with which Stephen was stoned, is placed on the altar.
Not far from there to the south is the monastery ad Aquas Salvias, where the head of saint Anastasius is and the place where Paul was beheaded.
Also, close by the basilica of Paul, is the church of saint Thecla where she herself lies in the body.
And not far away is the church of saint Felix where he sleeps; by his side, when he went to the heavens, hurried Adauctus; and both rest in one place. There too lies the martyr Nemeseus with many more.'
Text: Valentini and Zucchetti 1942, 109-110. Translation: P. Polcar.
[*Paul, the Apostle, S00008; *Timotheus, martyr of Rome, S00330; *Stephen, the First Martyr, S00030; *Anastasios, monk and martyr of Persia, ob. 628, S02052; *Thecla, follower of the Apostle Paul, S00092; Felix and Adauctus, martyrs of Rome, S00421; Nemesius, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Ostiensis, S01078]
Evidence ID
E06989Saint Name
Stephen, the First Martyr : S00030 Thekla, follower of the Apostle Paul : S00092 Paul, the Apostle : S00008 Timotheus, martyr of Rome : S00330 Anastasios, monk and martyr of Persia, ob. 628 : S02052 Felix and Adauctus, martyrs of Rome : S00421Saint Name in Source
Stephanus Tecla Paulus Timotheus Anastasius Felix, Adauctus NemeseusRelated Saint Records
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Felix_and_Adauctus_martyrs_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Ostiensis/13730281
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Paul_the_Apostle/13729135
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Nemesius_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Ostiensis/13732012
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Timotheus_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Ostiensis/13730023
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Anastasios_monk_and_martyr_of_Persia_ob_628/13734769
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Stephen_the_First_Martyr/13729177
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Thekla_follower_of_the_Apostle_Paul/13729357
Type of Evidence
Literary - Pilgrim accounts and itinerariesLanguage
- Latin