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E06887: A list of subscriptions, preserved in a letter sent to Pope Agapetus I from eastern clerics protesting the appointment of Anthimus as the patriarch of Constantinople, documents foundations dedicated to saints in various places, including Syria. Written in Latin in Constantinople in 535/536.

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posted on 2018-10-15, 00:00 authored by Bryan
Libellus monachorum Agapeto oblatus contra Anthimum

Dioscorus, presbyter et prior monasterii sanctae martyris Euphemiae, rogans subscripsi.
Antonius presbyter et prior monasterii sancti Eusebii, rogans subscripsi.
Dominicus presbyter et prior monasterii Euphemii, rogans subscripsi.
Zoilus presbyter et prior monasterii Theodoti, rogans subscripsi.
Julianus Dei miseratione presbyter et prior monasterii Euphemii, rogans subscripsi.
Stephanus presbyter et prior monasterii Promoti, rogans subscripsi.
Rhodon presbyter et prior monasterii Theodori, rogans subscripsi.
Gennadius presbyter et prior monasterii Theodori, rogans subscripsi.
Theodorus presbyter et archimandrita monasterii Maronii in Sycis, rogans subscripsi.
Silas presbyter et prior monasterii Heliae, rogans subscripsi.
Paulus presbyter et prior monasterii Samuelis, rogans subscripsi.
Joannes presbyter S. Thomae apostoli in illis Modesti, rogans subscripsi.
Marcus, prior monasterii Theodori disceptatoris, rogans subscripsi.
Marinus presbyter et prior monasterii Paulini, rogans subscripsi.
Eleutherius presbyter et prior monasterii Sancti Dominici martyris, rogans subscripsi.
Alexander presbyter et prior monasterii Abraami, rogans subscripsi.
Theodorus presbyter et prior monasterii Job, rogans subscripsi.
Tryphon presbyter et prior monsterii Elpidii, rogans subscripsi.
Babylas presbyter et prior monasterii Sancti Danielis existentis in stylo et sancti Joannis [praedicavi] in parvo profundo, et sancti Andrae apostoli prope stylum, rogans subscripsi.
Joannes presbyter et prior monasterii Anastasii prope Agogum, rogans subscripsi.
Zosimus [Cosmus] presbyter et prior monasterii Eutychii Lycaonum, prope villam matronae, subscripsi.
Timotheus presbyter et prior monasterii Asterii, rogans subscripsi.
Polychronius presbyter et prior monasterii Aethrii, rogans subscripsi.
Stratonicus presbyter et prior monasterii Sancti Dometii, rogans subscripsi.
Martyrius presbyter et prior monasterii Petri sive Val;entini [Velentis] et Daudati prope SS. Apostolos, rogans subscripsi.
Andreas presbyter et prior monasterii jacentis in venerabili domo sanctae Dei Genitricis prope Sanctum Lucam, rogans subscripsi.
Marcus presbyter et prior monasterii Sancti Cyrici, rogans subscripsi.
Jacobus presbyter et archimandrita monasterii Abibi Syrus, Syriace [Syristi] subscripsi.
Gregorius presbyter et archimandrita monasterii Cyri, rogans subscripsi.
Zosmius [Cosmus] presbyter et archimandrita monasterii Maximini, rogans subscripsi.
Elpidius presbyter et archimandrita monasterii Basiani, rogans subscripsi.
Paulus presbyter et prior monasterii Sancta Ermioniae, rogans subscripsi.
Zotibus presbyter et prior monasterii Sancti Andrae prope Saturninam portam, rogans subscripi.
Theodorus presbyter et prior monasterii S. Laurentii, a me Dei gratia fundati, subscripsi.
Domitianus presbyter et archimandrita monasterii Martyrii, et pro omnibus monachis qui sunt in eremo sanctae civitatis, subscripsi.
Hesychius presbyter monasterii Theodosii, et pro omnibus, etc.
Cassianus presbyter laurae beati Sabbae, et pro omnibus, etc.
Nestabus presbyter Laurae Sancti Firmini, et pro omnibus, etc.
Strategius diaconus et monachus monasterii Beati Joannis, et pro omnibus ibidem monasterii subscripsi.
Paulus monachus et legatus monasterii beati Maronis secundae Syriae, subscripsi.
Severianus presbyter et archimandrita monasterii Zoarae de Thermis, Syriace subscripsi.
Cassisa presbyter et archimandrita monasterii Lucae, Syriace, subscripsi.
Symeones diaconus et legatu monasterii beati Jacobi secundae Syriae, et pro omnibus etc.
Joannes diaconus et legatus monasterii beati Theodori secundae Syriae, et pro his qui in ea sunt monachis subscripsi.
Stephanus presbyter et prior monasterii Euxerii, et pro omnibus, etc.
Joannes presbyter et archimandrita monasterii Thomae, Syristi [Syriace] subscripsi.
Theonas presbyter et archimandrita monasterii Aaron, Syristi subscripsi.
Faustinus monachus et legatus monasterii Sancti Stephani Mauzae Jamniae, pro omnibus clericis et monachis ibidem existentibus.

Dioscorus, priest and prior of the monastery of the holy martyr Euphemia [martyr of Chalcedon, S00017], ask for that which is written above.
Antonius priest and prior of the monastery of Saint Eusebius [possibly the son of the stratelates Basilides, martyr of Antioch, S00740] ask for that which is written above.
Dominicus priest and prior of the monastery of Euphemius, ask for that which is written above.
Zoilus priest and prior of the monastery of Theodotus, ask for that which is written above.
Julianus Dei by compassion priest and prior of the monastery of Euphemius, ask for that which is written above.
Stephanus priest and prior of the monastery of Promotius, ask for that which is written above.
Rhodon priest and prior of the monastery of Theodorus, ask for that which is written above.
Gennadius priest and prior of the monastery of Theodorus, ask for that which is written above.
Theodorus priest and prior of the monastery of Maronius in Sycis, ask for that which is written above.
Silas priest and prior of the monastery of Helias, ask for that which is written above.
Paulus priest and prior of the monastery of Samuel, ask for that which is written above.
Joannes priest of Saint Thomas the apostle [S00199] in that Modesti, ask for that which is written above.
Marcus, priest and prior of the monastery of Theodorus the arbitrator, ask for that which is written above.
Marinus priest and prior of the monastery of Paulinus, ask for that which is written above.
Eleutherius priest and prior of the monastery of Saint Dominicus the martyr [perhaps Domninos, martyr in Palestine, S00190], ask for that which is written above.
Alexander priest and prior of the monastery of Abrahamus, ask for that which is written above.
Theodorus priest and prior of the monastery of Job, ask for that which is written above.
Tryphon priest and prior of the monastery of Elpidius, ask for that which is written above.
Babylas priest and prior of the monastery of Saint Daniel the Stylite [S00342] and Saint Joannis [as said above] in the small cave [probably John the Baptist, S00020, or the Apostle and Evangelist, S00042] and Saint Andrew the apostle [S00288], near the column, ask for that which is written above.
Joannes priest and prior of the monastery of Anastasius near Agogus, ask for that which is written above.
Zosimus [Cosmus] priest and prior of the monastery of Eutychius Lycaonus, near the house of the matron.
Timotheus priest and prior of the monastery of Asterius, ask for that which is written above.
Polychronius priest and prior of the monastery of Aethrius, ask for that which is written above.
Stratonicus priest and prior of the monastery of Saint Dometius [monk and martyr of Syria under Julian, S00414] ask for that which is written above.
Martyrius priest and prior of the monastery of Petrus or Valentinus and Daudatus near the Holy Apostles [S00084], ask for that which is written above.
Andreas priest and prior of the monastery lying in the venerable house of the holy birth of God near Saint Luke [presumably the Evangelist, S00007], ask for that which is written above.
Marcus priest and prior of the monastery Saint Cyricus [Kyrikos, martyr of Tarsus, S00007] ask for that which is written above.
Jacobus priest and prior (archimandrite) of the monastery of Abba Syrus, in Syria, what is written above
Gregorius priest and prior (archimandrite) of the monastery of Cyrus, ask for that which is written above.
Zosmius [Cosmus] priest and prior (archimandrite) of the monastery of Maximinus, ask for that which is written above.
Elpidius priest and prior (archimandrite) of the monastery of Basianus, ask for that which is written above.
Paulus priest and prior (archimandrite) of the monastery of Saint Ermionia [presumably Hermione, daughter of the Philip the Deacon and Evangelist, and martyr of Ephesus, S02595], ask for that which is written above.
Zotibus priest and prior of the monastery of Saint Andrew [the Apostle, S00288] near Saturn’s gate, ask for that which is written above. [The apostle, S00288]
Theodorus priest and prior of the monastery of Saint Laurentius [deacon and martyr of Rome, S00037] founded by me through the grace of God, what is written above.
Domitianus priest and prior (archimandrite) of the monastery of Martyrius, and for all the monks who are the wilderness of that holy city, what is written above.
Hesychius priest of the monastery of Theodosius, and for all, etc.
Cassianus priest of the laurels of blessed


Evidence ID


Saint Name

Euphemia, martyr of Chalcedon : S00017 Eusebius, son of the stratelates Basilides, martyr of Antioch : S00740 Thomas, the Apostle : S00199 Domninos, martyr in Palestine : S00190 Daniel, stylite near Constantinople, ob. 493 : S00342 John the Bapt

Saint Name in Source

Euphemia Eusebius Thomas Dominicus Daniel Joannes Joannes Andreas Dometius Lucas Cyricus Ermiona Laurentius Sabbas Firminus Maron Jacobus Jacobus Theodorus Stephanus

Related Saint Records

Type of Evidence

Literary - Letters


  • Latin

Evidence not before


Evidence not after


Activity not before


Activity not after


Place of Evidence - Region

Constantinople and region

Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)

Constantinople Κωνσταντινούπολις Konstantinoupolis Constantinopolis Constantinople Istanbul

Cult activities - Places

Cult building - independent (church)


A letter from the letter collection of Pope Agapetus I (535-536).


In texts of this period it is often unclear, when a monastery is described as 'the monastery of ...', whether this refers to the name of a founder (who might or might not have attracted cult) or to the name of a saint to whom the monastery was dedicated. In our document, however, the compiler seems to have differentiated between the two types of name, by differentiating established saints as sancti /'saints' or beati /'the blessed' (though this latter term is less clearly reserved in our document for 'saints' in the full sense of the word). It is entirely possible that, amongst the many other names listed, there were founders or abbots who attracted cult, indeed most monastic founders were considered, at least in their own monastery, to have been men of special holiness.


Edition: Patrologia Latina 87, 60-68.

Continued Description

Sabbas [probably Sabbas the Sanctified, founder of Mar Saba, S00910], and for all, etc.[…]Nestabus priest of the laurels of Saint Firminus [of uncertain identification, S02596], and for all, etc.[…]Strategius deacon and monk of the monastery of blessed Joannes [probably the Baptist, S00020, or the Apostle and Evangelist, S00042] and for all of that monastery, what is written above.[…] Paulus monk and legate of the monastery of blessed Maron of the Syrian following [monk of Syria, S00365], what is written above.Severianus priest and prior (archimandrite) of the monastery of Zoara of Thermis, in Syria, what is written above.Cassisa priest and prior (archimandrite) of the monastery of Luca, Syria, what is written above.[…]Symeones deacon and legate of the monastery of blessed Jacobus of the Syrian following [probably the monk of Syria, ob. c. 460s, S00378; or possibly one of the Apostles, either the son of Alphaeus, S01801 or the son of Zebedee, S00108], and for all etc. Joannes deacon and legate of the monastery of the blessed Theodorus [perhaps Theodore, soldier and martyr of Amaseia and Euchaita, S00480] of the Syrian following, and for all those who are monks there, what is written above.. Stephanus priest and prior of the monastery of Euxerius, and for all, etc.Joannes priest and prior (archimandrite) of the monastery of Thomas, in Syria, what is written above.Theonas priest and prior (archimandrite) of the monastery of Aaron, in Syria, what is written above.Faustinus monk and legate of the monastery of Saint Stephanus [the First Martyr, S00030] in Mauza Jamnia, for all the clerics and monks who live there. Text: Patrologia Latina 66, 60-68. Translation: Frances Trzeciak.

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    Evidence -  The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity



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