E06588: The Latin Gelasian Sacramentary (or Liber Sacramentorum Romanae Ecclesiae), probably compiled around 750 near Paris using earlier material from Rome, records prayers to saints on their feast days in August.
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posted on 2018-09-24, 00:00 authored by BryanGelasian Sacramentary 2.39-52
Below are the entries from the Sacramentary that relate to the feasts of saints; other entries, to feasts of the Christian year that were not for saints, are not included in our database.
Kal. Augustas in natal. Machabaeorum.
'1 August on the feast of the Machabees.'
[*Maccabean Martyrs, pre-Christian Jewish martyrs of Antioch, S00303]
Three prayers listed.
VIII Id. Augustas in natali sancti Sixti.
'6 August on the feast of saint Sixtus.'
[*Xystus/Sixtus II, bishop and martyr of Rome, S00201]
Three prayers listed.
VII Id. Augustas in natali sancti Donati.
'7 August on the feast of saint Donatus.'
[*Donatus, bishop, martyr of Arezzo under the emperor Julian, S01527]
Three prayers listed.
V Id. Augustas in vigilia sancti Laurenti.
'8 August on the vigil of saint Laurence.'
[*Laurence/Laurentius, deacon and martyr of Rome, S00037]
Three prayers listed.
IV Id. Augustas item in natali eiusdem.
'9 August likewise on the feast of the same saint.'
Three prayers listed.
III Id. Augustas in natali sancti Tiburti.
'11 August on the feast of saint Tiburtius.'
[*Tiburtius, son of the prefect Chromatius, martyr of Rome, S01404]
Three prayers listed.
Id. Augustas in natali sancti Ypoliti.
'13 August on the feast of saint Hippolytus.'
[*Hippolytus, martyr of Rome, S00509]
Three prayers listed.
XVIII Kal. Septembres in assumpt. sanctae Mariae.
'15 August on the Assumption of saint Mary.'
[*Mary, Mother of Christ, S00033]
Three prayers listed.
XVI Kal. Septemb. in octav. sancti Laurenti.
'17 August on the octave of saint Laurence.'
Three prayers listed.
XV Kal. Septembres in natali sancti Agapiti.
'18 August on the feast of saint Agapitus.'
[*Agapitus, bishop of Rome, ob. 536, S00811]
Three prayers listed.
XIV Kal. Septembres in natali sancti Magni.
'19 August on the feast of saint Magnus.'
[*Magnus, martyr of Ceccano in Lazio, S02524]
Three prayers listed.
VI Kal. Septembres in natali sancti Ruffi.
'27 August on the feast of saint Rufus.'
[*Rufus, martyr of Capua, S02531]
Three prayers listed.
V Kal. Septembres in natali sancti Hermis.
'28 August on the feast of saint Hermes.'
[*Hermes, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00404]
Three prayers listed.
IV Kal. Septembres in die passionis sancti Ioannis baptistae.
'29 August on the day of the martyrdom of saint John the Baptist.'
[*John the Baptist, S00020]
Three prayers listed.
Edition: Wilson 1894. Translation: P. Polcar.
Below are the entries from the Sacramentary that relate to the feasts of saints; other entries, to feasts of the Christian year that were not for saints, are not included in our database.
Kal. Augustas in natal. Machabaeorum.
'1 August on the feast of the Machabees.'
[*Maccabean Martyrs, pre-Christian Jewish martyrs of Antioch, S00303]
Three prayers listed.
VIII Id. Augustas in natali sancti Sixti.
'6 August on the feast of saint Sixtus.'
[*Xystus/Sixtus II, bishop and martyr of Rome, S00201]
Three prayers listed.
VII Id. Augustas in natali sancti Donati.
'7 August on the feast of saint Donatus.'
[*Donatus, bishop, martyr of Arezzo under the emperor Julian, S01527]
Three prayers listed.
V Id. Augustas in vigilia sancti Laurenti.
'8 August on the vigil of saint Laurence.'
[*Laurence/Laurentius, deacon and martyr of Rome, S00037]
Three prayers listed.
IV Id. Augustas item in natali eiusdem.
'9 August likewise on the feast of the same saint.'
Three prayers listed.
III Id. Augustas in natali sancti Tiburti.
'11 August on the feast of saint Tiburtius.'
[*Tiburtius, son of the prefect Chromatius, martyr of Rome, S01404]
Three prayers listed.
Id. Augustas in natali sancti Ypoliti.
'13 August on the feast of saint Hippolytus.'
[*Hippolytus, martyr of Rome, S00509]
Three prayers listed.
XVIII Kal. Septembres in assumpt. sanctae Mariae.
'15 August on the Assumption of saint Mary.'
[*Mary, Mother of Christ, S00033]
Three prayers listed.
XVI Kal. Septemb. in octav. sancti Laurenti.
'17 August on the octave of saint Laurence.'
Three prayers listed.
XV Kal. Septembres in natali sancti Agapiti.
'18 August on the feast of saint Agapitus.'
[*Agapitus, bishop of Rome, ob. 536, S00811]
Three prayers listed.
XIV Kal. Septembres in natali sancti Magni.
'19 August on the feast of saint Magnus.'
[*Magnus, martyr of Ceccano in Lazio, S02524]
Three prayers listed.
VI Kal. Septembres in natali sancti Ruffi.
'27 August on the feast of saint Rufus.'
[*Rufus, martyr of Capua, S02531]
Three prayers listed.
V Kal. Septembres in natali sancti Hermis.
'28 August on the feast of saint Hermes.'
[*Hermes, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus, S00404]
Three prayers listed.
IV Kal. Septembres in die passionis sancti Ioannis baptistae.
'29 August on the day of the martyrdom of saint John the Baptist.'
[*John the Baptist, S00020]
Three prayers listed.
Edition: Wilson 1894. Translation: P. Polcar.
Evidence ID
E06588Saint Name
Maccabean Martyrs, pre-Christian Jewish martyrs of Antioch : S00303 Hippolytus, martyr of Rome : S00509 Agapitus, bishop of Rome, ob. 536 : S00811 Rufus, martyr of Capua (south Italy) : S02531 Hermes, martyr of Rome : S00404 Donatus, bishop, andSaint Name in Source
Machabaei Ypolitus Agapitius Ruffus Hermes Donatus Laurentius Tiburtius Maria Magnus Ioannes Baptista SixtusRelated Saint Records
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/John_the_Baptist/13729156
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Hermes_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Salaria_vetus/13730236
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Agapitus_bishop_of_Rome_ob_536/13731229
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Laurence_Laurentius_deacon_and_martyr_of_Rome/13729198
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Magnus_martyr_of_Ceccano_in_Lazio_Italy/13736215
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Maccabean_Martyrs_pre-Christian_Jewish_martyrs_of_Antioch/13729954
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Tiburtius_son_of_the_prefect_Chromatius_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Labicana/13732960
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Rufus_martyr_of_Capua_south_Italy_/13736233
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Mary_Mother_of_Christ/13729186
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Xystus_Sixtus_II_bishop_and_martyr_of_Rome/13729672
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Hippolytus_martyr_of_Rome/13730485
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Donatus_bishop_and_Hilarianus_monk_martyrs_of_Arezzo_under_the_emperor_Julian/13733260
Type of Evidence
Liturgical texts - SacramentariesLanguage
- Latin
Evidence not before
628Evidence not after
750Activity not before
628Activity not after
750Place of Evidence - Region
Gaul and Frankish kingdoms Rome and regionPlace of Evidence - City, village, etc
Paris RomePlace of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Paris Tours Tours Toronica urbs Prisciniacensim vicus Pressigny Turonorum civitas Ceratensis vicus Céré Rome Rome Rome Roma Ῥώμη RhōmēMajor author/Major anonymous work
Sacramentarium GelasianumCult activities - Liturgical Activity
- Service for the Saint
Cult activities - Festivals
- Saint’s feast