E06525: Greek building inscription commemorating the dedication of a pulpit/ambo to ‘the glory and praise’ of the Archangel *Michael (S00181). Found at Troizen (northeastern Peloponnese). Probably 5th-7th c.
l. 1. [ὁ] ἀναγνώστης Fraenkel; [εὐχῆς ἑαυτοῦ] Orlandos; at the end no αὐτοῦ Orlandos || l. 2. [κ]αλλιέργη<σ>εν Fraenkel, corrected ibid. p. 382; δό[ξ]αν Orlandos.
'Ioannes, the reader (anagnostes), on behalf of [his wife] and his child, has offered the pulpit to the glory and praise of the Archangel Michael.'
Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Büyük Karıştıran
Cult activities - Places
Cult building - independent (church)
Cult activities - Non Liturgical Practices and Customs
Bequests, donations, gifts and offerings
Cult Activities - Protagonists in Cult and Narratives
Ecclesiastics - lesser clergy
Round marble base broken into two parts. H. 0.3 m, d 1.26 m. Upper margin to one third lost. On the upper surface six-angled depression for the pulpit. Found on the site of Hagia Sotira church, but attributed by Anastasios Orlandos to the older basilica, predecessor of the 12th century Ἐπισκοπή/Παναγία Ἐπισκοπή/Παλαιοεπισκοπή church. Other fragments of decoration survive from this older basilica, cf. ICG 3437, including one Ionic capital dating from the 6th century. Last seen by Orlandos ca. 1940 in Soteira church. Now lost.
For the expression δόξα καὶ ἔπαινος, see 1 Chronicles 16:27, and for εἰς δόξαν καὶ ἔπαινον, see Philippians 1:11.
Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae database, no. 3436: http://www.epigraph.topoi.org/ica/icamainapp/inscription/show/3436
Inscriptiones Graecae IV, no. 784 and p. 382 ("Corrigenda").
Legrand, P.-E., "Inscriptions de Trézène", Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 24 (1900), 207, no. XX, 1 and 3 (editio princeps).
Orlandos, A., "Ἡ «Ἐπισκοπή» τοῦ Δαμαλᾶ", Archeion ton Vyzantinon mnimeion tis Ellados 5 (1939-1940), 31.
Further Reading:
Caraher, W.R., "Church, Society and the Sacred in Early Christian Greece," Ph.D. diss., Ohio State University (2003), 317, no. 8.
Feissel, D., and Philippidis-Braat, A., "Inventaires en vue d’un recueil des inscriptions historiques de Byzance, III: Inscriptions du Péloponnèse (à l’exception de Mistra)," Travaux et Mémoires 9 (1985), 370, no. 126*.