E05878: Romanos the Melodist composes his kontakia /cantica (hymns) 57 and 58, on the *Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (S00103); they are invoked as heavenly protectors of the state and allies of the emperor at war. Written in Greek at Constantinople, in the mid-6th c. (possibly after 548).
'Hail, the army of our King’s glory! Hail, the bright beacons of piety! Of the Church, hail, the safe guards! Of the emperors, hail, the pride! Of the state, hail, the bastion! Oh forty champions! Pity us on your feast!'
‘But as then, Christ saviour, my king, To your saints did you grant victory Over demons and tyrants, Even so now be merciful to our most faithful sovereign; Grant him victories and trophies over barbarians, Always awarding peace to your people, by entreaties and prayers of Her that gave you birth in flesh, And your holy and steadfast champions Who received from you glory from heaven and a multitude of crowns.’
Text: Maas, Trypanis 1963. Translation: E. Rizos.
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Forty Martyrs of Sebaste : S00103
Mary, Mother of Christ : S00033
Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Cult activities - Liturgical Activity
Service for the Saint
Cult activities - Non Liturgical Practices and Customs
Saint as patron - of a community
Cult Activities - Protagonists in Cult and Narratives
Ecclesiastics - lesser clergy
Monarchs and their family
Romanos the Melodist was born to a Jewish family in Emesa of Syria, and moved to Constantinople under Anastasius (491-518), where he joined the clergy of the church of Mary in the Kyros quarter. He is the earliest and most important author of Kontakia (cantica), which he seems to have composed between 536 and 555.
The Kontakia/Cantica were sermons in verse, accompanied by music, which became very popular in the Greek Church between the 6th and 9th centuries. They have a metrical form, and were probably chanted from the pulpit by the preacher, joined by the choir or the congregation in the refrain. Their music is now lost.
The fact that the hymn invokes protection for one emperor is thought to suggest that it was written after the death of the empress Theodora in 548. The composition of these hymns may be related to celebrations for the Forty Martyrs after the miraculous discovery of their relics during the building of the church of the martyr *Eirene at Sykai (see E04395 and E###).
Maas, P., and Trypanis, C.A., Sancti Romani Melodi Cantica. Cantica Genuina (Oxford, 1963).