E05271: Latin and Greek graffiti and epitaphs with invocations to unnamed saints and martyrs, holy spirits/spirita sancta, and saints whose names are lots. Found in the cemetery ad Sanctos Marcellinum et Petrum /inter duas lauros, via Labicana, Rome. Probably 4th-6th c.
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posted on 2018-03-27, 00:00 authored by BryanIn this record we have aggregated very fragmentary or concise texts from the cemetery Ad Sanctos Marcellinum et Petrum /inter duas lauras, which refer to the cult of unnamed martyrs or of saints whose names are lost.
1) Executed with a stylus on the plaster of a wall in region X 14, close to the graffito invoking Asclepias, which we present in E05263. Letter height c. 6 cm. Probably 4th c.
im mente
te habe-
ate Caelestium
(busts of two men)
St[- - -]
'May you have in mind Caelestius [- - -]!'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16074 = EDB4829.
The presence of two busts may suggest that Marcellinus and Petrus, the eponyms of the cemetery, are invoked here.
2) Fragment of a marble plaque. Preserved dimensions: H. 0.25 m; W. 0.30 m; Th. 0.04 m. Letter height 0.038 m. Found in cubiculum Xt. Now probably in cubiculum Xs. No certain date.
[- - -] martyres
[- - -]m in diside[rio]
[- - - vi]xit ann[is - - -]
'O Eugenius, [- - -] martyrs [- - -] in request (?) [- - -] lived ... years [- - -]'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16174 = EDB3697.
According to Orazio Marucchi and Ernst Diehl, the inscription was an epitaph marking a burial ad sanctos/ad martyres. Sadly, the names of the martyrs are lost.
3) Fragment of a marble plaque, broken into three conjoining parts. The lower margin is preserved. Preserved dimensions: H. 0.46 m; W. 0.46 m; Th. 0.035 m. Letter height 4 cm. The other face bears a fragmentary epitaph. Found in 1956, at the ground level of the cemetery, in proximity of the 4th c. basilica. A photograph is now offered in the Epigraphic Database Bari. Probably 4th c.
[- - - se vi]bu fe[cit]
[- - - et - - - Brum(?)]asus amici i[n pace]
[fe]cerunt spiritu meu in m[ente habete]
2. Brum(?)]asus: Carletti in EDB || 3. spiritu meu: Carletti in EDB, SPIRITV MFV: Ferrua in ICVR
'[- - -] made when he (or she) was still alive [- - - and - - -] Brumasus (?), friends, in peace, made it. [Keep in mind] my soul!'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 17194 = EDB14267.
4) Executed with a stylus on the plaster of a wall in cubiculum Ai. Letter height 1 - 2 cm. Probably earlier 4th c.
[- - -]a[- - -]
tia vivas in Chr(isto)
spirita sanc[ta]
3. Chr(sito) written as a christogram
'[- - -] Gaudentia, may you live in Christ! O holy spirits!'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16239 = EDB2395.
5) Fragmentary marble plaque broken into several conjoining parts. H. 0.35 m; W. 0.66 m; Th. 0.01 m. Letter height 3 - 6.5 cm. Found by Antonio Ferrua in 1957 in region I7. Probably mid-4th c.
[He]renniae Priscillaneti matr[i]
[car]issime et incoparabili re[quie]-
[sce]nti fili fecerunt in que [vixit]
[ann(nis) - - -]I m(enses) VIII d(ies) V ispiritus tuus, mater, inter san[ctos]
3. QVOE: stone, in (pace) quae [vix(it)]: Ferrua, in e [vixit]: Carletti in EDB
'To Herennia Priscillanetis, a most dear and incomparable mother, reposing (here), (her) sons made (this). (Buried) in peace, she [lived - - - years], 8 months, 5 days. O mother, your soul is among the saints!'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16256 = EDB7241.
6) Executed with a stylus on the plaster of a wall in region/sector X1. Letter height c. 3 cm. Probably second half of the 4th c.
in pace et
pro patre n(ostro) pete
'O Marcellinus (repose) in peace and intercede on behalf of our father!'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16329 = EDB3614.
The inscription may contain an invocation of *Marcellinus (S00577), one of the eponyms of the cemetery, asked to pray on behalf of the visitors' father, but it might also address an ordinary deceased man bearing the same name.
7) Fragment of a marble plaque, broken and lost at the left-hand end. Preserved dimensions: H. 0.375 m; W. 1.00 m; Th. 0.015 m. Letter height 3.5 cm. Found in situ, in region/sector C3. Probably second half of the 4th c.
[- - -] que a deo et santis acceta posteru
[- - -] no(vem)bres requebit in pace
2. possibly [kalendas] no(vem)bres: Ferrua
'[- - -] who was received by God and the saints, later (?) [- - -] of November she will rest in peace.'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16650 = EDB2358.
8) Two conjoining fragments of a marble plaque, broken and lost on all sides. Preserved dimensions: H. 0.21 m; W. 0.15 m; Th. 0.03 m. Letter height 2 - 2.5 cm. Found in region/sector X27 and in X28. Probably late 4th - early 5th c.
[- - -]
[- - -]nus [- - -]
[- - - s]ancti [- - -]
[- - -] deo per[- - -]
[- - - me]ruit pre[- - -]
[- - - co]miti pue[r - - -]
[- - -] diu quie[t - - -]
[- - -]
'[- - -] of saint [- - -] God through [- - -] deserved [- - -] companion (?), boy [- - -] long reposed (?) [- - -]'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16653D = EDB5392.
Ernst Diehl supposed that this could be a fragment of a verse inscription.
9) Marble plaque broken into two conjoining fragments. Dimensions: H. 0.30 m; W. 0.68 m; Th. 0.02 m. Letter height 4 cm. Dots between letters. Found in region/sector I5. Now in Y6.
Κυριακή, τὸ
πνεῦμά σου με-
τὰ ἁγίων
'Kyriake, your soul (pneuma) is with saints.'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16851 = EDB8561.
10) Marble plaque. Recorded in 1720 by Marco Antonio Boldetti, in the part of the cemetery which is called 'of Saint Helena'. Now probably lost. Probably 5th c.
Maurentius Maurentiae
f(i)d(eli) que vixit annis V menses
XI dies duo digna inter san-
ctos deus iussit in pace fi(eri) +
'Maurentius (set it up) to Maurentia, the faithful, who lived 5 years, 11 months, two days, worthy among the saints. By God's order. (Buried) in peace. +'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 17086 = EDB12132.
1) Executed with a stylus on the plaster of a wall in region X 14, close to the graffito invoking Asclepias, which we present in E05263. Letter height c. 6 cm. Probably 4th c.
im mente
te habe-
ate Caelestium
(busts of two men)
St[- - -]
'May you have in mind Caelestius [- - -]!'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16074 = EDB4829.
The presence of two busts may suggest that Marcellinus and Petrus, the eponyms of the cemetery, are invoked here.
2) Fragment of a marble plaque. Preserved dimensions: H. 0.25 m; W. 0.30 m; Th. 0.04 m. Letter height 0.038 m. Found in cubiculum Xt. Now probably in cubiculum Xs. No certain date.
[- - -] martyres
[- - -]m in diside[rio]
[- - - vi]xit ann[is - - -]
'O Eugenius, [- - -] martyrs [- - -] in request (?) [- - -] lived ... years [- - -]'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16174 = EDB3697.
According to Orazio Marucchi and Ernst Diehl, the inscription was an epitaph marking a burial ad sanctos/ad martyres. Sadly, the names of the martyrs are lost.
3) Fragment of a marble plaque, broken into three conjoining parts. The lower margin is preserved. Preserved dimensions: H. 0.46 m; W. 0.46 m; Th. 0.035 m. Letter height 4 cm. The other face bears a fragmentary epitaph. Found in 1956, at the ground level of the cemetery, in proximity of the 4th c. basilica. A photograph is now offered in the Epigraphic Database Bari. Probably 4th c.
[- - - se vi]bu fe[cit]
[- - - et - - - Brum(?)]asus amici i[n pace]
[fe]cerunt spiritu meu in m[ente habete]
2. Brum(?)]asus: Carletti in EDB || 3. spiritu meu: Carletti in EDB, SPIRITV MFV: Ferrua in ICVR
'[- - -] made when he (or she) was still alive [- - - and - - -] Brumasus (?), friends, in peace, made it. [Keep in mind] my soul!'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 17194 = EDB14267.
4) Executed with a stylus on the plaster of a wall in cubiculum Ai. Letter height 1 - 2 cm. Probably earlier 4th c.
[- - -]a[- - -]
tia vivas in Chr(isto)
spirita sanc[ta]
3. Chr(sito) written as a christogram
'[- - -] Gaudentia, may you live in Christ! O holy spirits!'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16239 = EDB2395.
5) Fragmentary marble plaque broken into several conjoining parts. H. 0.35 m; W. 0.66 m; Th. 0.01 m. Letter height 3 - 6.5 cm. Found by Antonio Ferrua in 1957 in region I7. Probably mid-4th c.
[He]renniae Priscillaneti matr[i]
[car]issime et incoparabili re[quie]-
[sce]nti fili fecerunt in que [vixit]
[ann(nis) - - -]I m(enses) VIII d(ies) V ispiritus tuus, mater, inter san[ctos]
3. QVOE: stone, in (pace) quae [vix(it)]: Ferrua, in e [vixit]: Carletti in EDB
'To Herennia Priscillanetis, a most dear and incomparable mother, reposing (here), (her) sons made (this). (Buried) in peace, she [lived - - - years], 8 months, 5 days. O mother, your soul is among the saints!'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16256 = EDB7241.
6) Executed with a stylus on the plaster of a wall in region/sector X1. Letter height c. 3 cm. Probably second half of the 4th c.
in pace et
pro patre n(ostro) pete
'O Marcellinus (repose) in peace and intercede on behalf of our father!'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16329 = EDB3614.
The inscription may contain an invocation of *Marcellinus (S00577), one of the eponyms of the cemetery, asked to pray on behalf of the visitors' father, but it might also address an ordinary deceased man bearing the same name.
7) Fragment of a marble plaque, broken and lost at the left-hand end. Preserved dimensions: H. 0.375 m; W. 1.00 m; Th. 0.015 m. Letter height 3.5 cm. Found in situ, in region/sector C3. Probably second half of the 4th c.
[- - -] que a deo et santis acceta posteru
[- - -] no(vem)bres requebit in pace
2. possibly [kalendas] no(vem)bres: Ferrua
'[- - -] who was received by God and the saints, later (?) [- - -] of November she will rest in peace.'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16650 = EDB2358.
8) Two conjoining fragments of a marble plaque, broken and lost on all sides. Preserved dimensions: H. 0.21 m; W. 0.15 m; Th. 0.03 m. Letter height 2 - 2.5 cm. Found in region/sector X27 and in X28. Probably late 4th - early 5th c.
[- - -]
[- - -]nus [- - -]
[- - - s]ancti [- - -]
[- - -] deo per[- - -]
[- - - me]ruit pre[- - -]
[- - - co]miti pue[r - - -]
[- - -] diu quie[t - - -]
[- - -]
'[- - -] of saint [- - -] God through [- - -] deserved [- - -] companion (?), boy [- - -] long reposed (?) [- - -]'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16653D = EDB5392.
Ernst Diehl supposed that this could be a fragment of a verse inscription.
9) Marble plaque broken into two conjoining fragments. Dimensions: H. 0.30 m; W. 0.68 m; Th. 0.02 m. Letter height 4 cm. Dots between letters. Found in region/sector I5. Now in Y6.
Κυριακή, τὸ
πνεῦμά σου με-
τὰ ἁγίων
'Kyriake, your soul (pneuma) is with saints.'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 16851 = EDB8561.
10) Marble plaque. Recorded in 1720 by Marco Antonio Boldetti, in the part of the cemetery which is called 'of Saint Helena'. Now probably lost. Probably 5th c.
Maurentius Maurentiae
f(i)d(eli) que vixit annis V menses
XI dies duo digna inter san-
ctos deus iussit in pace fi(eri) +
'Maurentius (set it up) to Maurentia, the faithful, who lived 5 years, 11 months, two days, worthy among the saints. By God's order. (Buried) in peace. +'
Text: ICVR, n.s., VI, no. 17086 = EDB12132.
Evidence ID
E05271Saint Name
Martyrs, unnamed or name lost : S00060 Saints, unnamed : S00518 Saints, name lost or very partially preserved : S01744 Petrus and Marcellinus, priest and exorcist, martyrs of Rome : S00577 Tiburtius, son of the prefect Chromatius, martyr of RomeRelated Saint Records
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Saints_name_lost_or_very_partially_preserved/13733845
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Gorgonius_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Labicana/13730662
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Forty_Martyrs_of_Sebaste/13729390
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Thirty_Martyrs_of_Rome_ob_/13730680
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Tiburtius_son_of_the_prefect_Chromatius_martyr_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Labicana/13732960
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Saints_unnamed/13738717
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Marcellinus_and_Petrus_priest_and_exorcist_martyrs_of_Rome_buried_on_the_via_Labicana/13730665
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Forty_martyrs_of_Rome/13730569
- https://oxford.figshare.com/articles/Martyrs_unnamed_or_name_lost/13729267
Type of Evidence
Inscriptions - Funerary inscriptions Inscriptions - Formal inscriptions (stone, mosaic, etc.) Inscriptions - Graffiti Literary - Poems Archaeological and architectural - Internal cult fixtures (crypts, ciboria, etc.)Language
- Latin