E04486: Augustine of Hippo preaches in Latin a sermon, probably on the feast of martyrs. Sermon 335J, delivered in an unknown place in North Africa, possibly in Hippo Regius, on an unspecified date c. 400/430.
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posted on 2017-12-19, 00:00authored byrobert
Augustine of Hippo, Sermon 335J
[In die natali martyrum
'On the birthday of some martyrs']
1. Martyres sancti, testes Christi, usque ad sanguinem contra peccatum pugnauerunt, quia ipse in illis fuit, per quem uicerunt.
'The holy martyrs, witness of Christ, fought against sin and the shedding of their blood, because he was in them, and it was through him that they overcame.'
In what follows Augustine explains how the example of the martyrs can be followed by his audience in their fight against sin, and does not refer to any specific saints or their cult.
Text: Patrologiae Latinae Supplementum 2, 839. Translation: Hill 1994, 252. Summary: Robert Wiśniewski.
Cult Activities - Protagonists in Cult and Narratives
Ecclesiastics - bishops
The dating of this sermon and the place in which it was preached are uncertain. In could have been preached at Hippo, Augustine's episcopal see.
Hamman, A., Patrologiae Latinae Suppelementum, vol. 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 1960).
Hill, E., The Works of Saint Augustine. A Translation for the 21st Century, vol. III 9, Sermons 306-340A on the Saints (New York: New City Press, 1994).