E04323: Coptic fiscal document from Aphrodito (Upper Egypt) mentioning a monastery of *Mary (presumably Mary, Mother of Christ, S00033); datable to the 7th/8th century.
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posted on 2017-11-06, 00:00 authored by gschenkeP.Lond 4 1552
The presbyter and proestos (superior) Phoibamon assents to the tax payment presented for the monastery of Mary, the latter appearing in abbreviated Greek script:
+ ὄρου(ς) ἁγί(ας) Μαρί(ας) δ(ιὰ) αββ(α) Φοιβ(άμμωνος) προεστῶ(τος) νο(μίσματα) γ
‘Of the monastery of saint Mary, through Abba Phoibamon the proestos: three and a half solidi.’
(Text: W. E. Crum; trans. G. Schenke)
The presbyter and proestos (superior) Phoibamon assents to the tax payment presented for the monastery of Mary, the latter appearing in abbreviated Greek script:
+ ὄρου(ς) ἁγί(ας) Μαρί(ας) δ(ιὰ) αββ(α) Φοιβ(άμμωνος) προεστῶ(τος) νο(μίσματα) γ
‘Of the monastery of saint Mary, through Abba Phoibamon the proestos: three and a half solidi.’
(Text: W. E. Crum; trans. G. Schenke)
Evidence ID
E04323Saint Name
Mary, Mother of Christ : S00033Saint Name in Source
ΜαρίαRelated Saint Records
Type of Evidence
Late antique original manuscripts - Papyrus sheet Documentary texts - Fiscal documentLanguage
- Coptic
Evidence not before
600Evidence not after
799Activity not before
600Activity not after
799Place of Evidence - Region
Egypt and CyrenaicaPlace of Evidence - City, village, etc
AphroditoPlace of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Aphrodito Hermopolis ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛ Ashmunein HermopolisCult activities - Places
Cult building - monasticCult activities - Places Named after Saint
- Monastery
The papyrus document Or. 6230 (13) is kept at the British Library in London.Bibliography
Text: Bell, H.I., and Crum, W.E., Greek Papyri in the British Museum. London IV: The Aphrodito Papyri (London, 1910).Usage metrics
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