E04321: Greek list of payments from Aphrodito (Upper Egypt), mentioning an institution dedicated to *George (presumably the soldier and martyr, S00259), people associated with *Mary (presumably Mother of Christ, S00033), and a district of *Philotheos (possibly the young boy of Antioch, S00878); datable to the 8th century.
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posted on 2017-11-06, 00:00authored bydlambert
P.Lond 4 1491
In line 1 of fragment A people associated with an institution or district dedicated to Mary are mentioned:
[ -ca.?- ἀ]νθ(ρώπων) Ἁγί(ας) Μαρίας
'… of the people of saint Mary'
In line 1 of fragment D2 a topos dedicated to George is mentioned:
Δαυὶδ Πάνος εἰ(ς) τόπ(ον) Ἁγίου Γεωργίου
'David, son of Panos, for the topos of saint George'
On fragment E a district dedicated to Philotheos is mentioned:
μερίτ(ος) Ἁγίου Φιλοθ(έου)
'of the district of saint Philotheos'
For a complete record of the document see:
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Mary, Mother of Christ : S00033
George, soldier and martyr of Diospolis/Lydda : S00259
Philotheos, child martyr of Antioch : S00878