E04305: Greek list of payments from Aphrodito (Upper Egypt), mentioning payments concerning *Psoios (possibly S01245) and an institution dedicated to Pinoution (S01613); datable to the 8th century.
In line 11 payments concerning an institution dedicated to Pinoution are mentioned:
(ὑπὲρ) Ἁγί\ου/ Πινουτίω(νος) νο(μίσματος) 𐅵 γ´
For a complete record of the document see:
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Pinoution saint with cult in Aphrodito, possibly the bishop of Antinoopolis associated with Kollouthos, physician and martyr : S01613
Pshoi, 4th century Egyptian martyr under Culcianus : S01245