E04195: Philostorgius in his Ecclesiastical History, reports that the emperor Constantius II (r. 337-361) had the relics of *Andrew (the Apostle, S00288), *Timothy (disciple of Paul,S00466), and *Luke (the Evangelist, S00442) transferred to Constantinople and buried at the shrine of the Holy Apostles. Written in Greek at Constantinople, 425/433.
‘He heaps praise upon Constantius and says that he built the church in Constantinople that is justly called “the great” [i.e. Saint Sophia]. In addition, he brought the apostle Andrew over from Achaia to the church that he had built and that is called after the apostles in common. Next to it he erected his father’s tomb. Not only that; he also translated the evangelist Luke from Achaia to the same sacred precinct. The apostle Timothy as well he likewise brought over from Ephesus in Ionia to that same renowned and august house.’
Text: Bidez and Winkelmann 1981. Translation: Amidon 2007, 38.
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Andrew, the Apostle : S00288
Luke, the Evangelist : S00442
Timothy, the disciple of Paul the Apostle : S00466
Literary - Other narrative texts (including Histories)
Evidence not before
Evidence not after
Activity not before
Activity not after
Place of Evidence - Region
Constantinople and region
Place of Evidence - City, village, etc
Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Major author/Major anonymous work
Cult activities - Places
Cult building - independent (church)
Cult Activities - Protagonists in Cult and Narratives
Monarchs and their family
Cult Activities - Relics
Bodily relic - unspecified
Transfer/presence of relics from distant countries
Transfer, translation and deposition of relics
Philostorgius was born in Borissus of Cappadocia in c. 368, and lived from the age of twenty in Constantinople, where he became a follower of the Anomaean theologian Eunomius. His twelve-volume Ecclesiastical History, now largely lost, appeared between 425 and 433. In 402/3 a continuation of the Church History of Eusebius of Caesarea had been produced in Latin by Rufinus of Aquileia, who recounted the period from the Council of Nicaea to the death of Theodosius I in 395. Rufinus presented Nicene Christianity as the Orthodox faith which was oppressed by the Arian emperors and restored by Theodosius I (379-395). Philostorgius offered a radically different, pro-Arian, reading of the 4th century theological disputes, portraying Nicene heroes like Athanasius of Alexandria and Basil of Caesarea in a negative manner. His work may have triggered the mid 5th century boom in Greek ecclesiastical historiography, represented by the Nicene ecclesiastical histories of Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret of Cyrrhus.
Philostorgius’ original text is only known from a summary in the 9th century Bibliotheca of Photius, and from fragments in a later version of the Greek Martyrdom of Artemios (E06781). A partial reconstruction of Philostorgius’ Ecclesiastical History, based on Photius and the fragments, has been produced by Joseph Bidez and Friedhelm Winkelmann. Winkelmann’s text is available in English translation by Philip R. Amidon.
Philostorgius is also the author of the Martyrdom of *Loukianos of Antioch (E00).
Philostorgius is the earliest source mentioning the translation of the relics of Andrew, Timothy, and Luke to Constantinople under Constantius II.
Bidez, J., and Winkelmann, F., Philostorgius, Kirchengeschichte; mit dem Leben des Lucian von Antiochien und den Fragmenten eines arianischen Historiographen. 3rd. ed. (Griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller 21; Berlin, 1981).
Translations and commentaries:
Amidon, P.R., Philostorgius, Church History (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2007).
Bidez, J., et al., Philostorge, Histoire ecclésiastique (Sources chrétiennes 564; Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2013).
Further reading:
Mango, C., “Constantine's Mausoleum and the Translation of Relics,” Byzantinische Zeitschrift 83 (1990), 51-61.
Marasco, G., Filostorgio: cultura, fede e politica in uno storico ecclesiastico del V secolo (Studia ephemeridis "Augustinianum" 92; Rome: Institutum patristicum Augustinianum, 2005).
Treadgold, W.T., The Early Byzantine Historians (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), 126-134.