E04182: Coptic ostracon from western Thebes (Upper Egypt) mentioning the monastery of Apa *Phoibammon (soldier and martyr of Assiut, S00080) on the mountain of Jeme; datable to the first half of the 8th century.
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posted on 2017-10-19, 00:00authored bygschenke
O.Frange 711
Lines 4–5 of this very fragmentary document read as follows:
]ⲡⲧⲟⲡⲟⲥ ⲛⲁⲡⲁ ⲫⲟ̣ . ⲃⲁⲙⲱ]ⲛ̣ ⲙ̣ⲡⲧⲟⲟⲩ ⲛϫⲏ̣ⲙ̣ⲉ̣
‘] monastery of Apa Phoibamon on the mountain of Jeme.’
(Text: A. Boud'hors and Ch. Heurtel, trans.: G. Schenke)
Evidence ID
Saint Name
Phoibammon, soldier and martyr of Assiut (ob. c. 304) : S00080
The ostracon inv. O.292697 is limestone fragment and was found during a season of the Belgian excavation at the Theban necropolis. It is part of the archive of the monk Frange who inhabited the tomb of Amenemope (TT29) in the Valley of the Kings.
Text and French translation:
Boud'hors, A., and Heurtel, C., Les ostraca coptes de la TT 29. Autour du moine Frangé (Études d'archéologie thébaine 3; Brussels, 2010), 382.