E02904: Three lead seals of the metropolitan bishops of Hierapolis in southwest Phrygia (west central Asia Minor) with labelled images of *Philip (the Apostle, S00109). Probably 6th-7th c. or later.
Found in the south sector of the atrium of the cathedral amongst debris datable to the 11th/12th c. Triangular hole in the upper left-hand quarter of the obverse, probably caused during the striking of the seal.
Obverse: depiction of a bearded man with nimbus, standing. He is wearing a tunica and cloak, and is holding a long palm leaf in his left hand, while blessing with his right hand. The vertical label, flanking the figure, reads: [ὁ] ἅ|γ|ι|ο|ς Φ|ί|λι|ππ|ο|ς/'Saint Philip'.
Reverse: inscription in four lines, surrounded by a floral ornament: Γρη|γορίῳ με|τροπ(ολίτῃ) Ἱε|ραπόλ(εως)/'(Seal) of Gregorios, metropolitan (bishop) of Hierapolis.'
In spite of the archaeological context of the find, D'Andria plausibly argues that the shape of letters is characteristic of a much earlier period, perhaps the 6th/7th c.
Text: D'Andria 2005=2006, 359-361.
Seal 2:
Lead seal. Probably from the former Schlumberger collection. Diameter: 21-24 mm.
Obverse: image of a man with nimbus, standing. He is holding a large processional cross in his right hand. To the left of him there is a shrub or a palm leaf. Inscription flanking the figure reads: ὁ ἅγιος Φίλι- ππος/'Saint Philip.'
Reverse: a monogram, probably reading: + Χριστοφόρος μητροπολίτης Ἱεραπόλεως Πακατιανῆς/'+ Christophoros, metropolitan (bishop) of Hierapolis of (the province of Phrygia) Pakatiane' (Laurent's interpretation. According to Schlumberger, less plausibly, the monogram reads: + Φίλιππος μητροπολίτης Ἱεραπόλεως Φρυγίας Πακατιανῆς/'+ Philippos, metropolitan (bishop) of Hierapolis of (the province of) Phrygia Pakatiane').
Dating: probably 6th/7th c., as suggested by Laurent, although Schlumberger opted for a date in the 11th or 12th c. Sylvain Destephen records the owner of the seal as bishop Christophoros in the third volume of the Prosopographie chrétienne du Bas-Empire, and places him in the period: 575-625 (see PCBE 3, s.v. Christophoros 2).
Text: Laurent 1963, no. 728.
Seal 3:
Lead seal. Dimensions not specified. Found in the Byzantine Courtyard House at the ancient agora.
Obverse: depiction of the Archangel Michael.
Reverse: A man with nimbus, standing. Fragmentary inscription: [Φίλιπ]|πος/'Philip.'
Paul Arthur supposes that the seal belonged to a cleric, probably a bishop. The building, where the seal was found, dates probably to c. 11th c. and could have served as the administrative centre of a large estate. Some coins of the emperors Leo VI (886-912), Michael IV (1034-1041), and Constantine X (1057-1059) were also unearthed there. It is possible that the seal dates to the 6th/7th c., like the two object discussed above, but the image of the Archangel Michael, shown on the obverse, is a characteristic feature of middle Byzantine seals.
Cult Activities - Protagonists in Cult and Narratives
Ecclesiastics - bishops
Cult Activities - Cult Related Objects
Seal 1:
D'Andria, F., "L'iscrizione dipinta con la Preghiera di Manasse a Hierapolis di Frigia", Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 78 (2005-2006), 359-361.
Seal 2:
Laurent, V., Le corpus de sceaux de l'empire byzantin, vol. 5/1: L'église (Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la Recherche scientifique, 1963), no. 728.
Schlumberger, G., Sigillographie de l'Empire byzantin (Paris: E. Leroux, 1884), 255.
Seal 3:
Arthur, P., Byzantine and Turkish Hierapolis (Pamukkale): An Archaeological Guide (Istanbul: Ege Yayınları, 2006), 93.
D'Andria, F., "L'iscrizione dipinta con la Preghiera di Manasse a Hierapolis di Frigia", Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia 78 (2005-2006), 361.
Further reading:
D'Andria, F., "The sanctuary of St Philip in Hierapolis and the tombs of saints in Anatolian cities", in: J.R. Brandt, E. Hagelberg, G. Bjørnstad, and S. Ahrens, Life and Death in Asia Minor in Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Times (Studies in Funerary Archaeology 10, Oxford - Philadelphia: Oxbow, 2017), 3-18.
Arthur, P., Byzantine and Turkish Hierapolis (Pamukkale): An Archaeological Guide (Istanbul: Ege Yayınları, 2006), 111-112.
Destephen, S., Prosopographie du Diocèse d'Asie (325-641) (Prosopographie chrétienne du Bas-Empire 3, Paris: Association des amis du centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2008), s.v. Christophoros 2.
Reference works:
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 57, 1376-1377.