E02833: Lead ampullae showing the scene of the incredulity of *Thomas the Apostle (S00199). Now in Bobbio and Monza (both northern Italy), and the British Museum (perhaps from Egypt). Almost certainly from the Holy Land, just possibly from a church dedicated to the saint at Jerusalem. Probably 6th c.
In the Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae, Leah Di Segni discusses three types of ampullae with scenes referring to the biblical story of the incredibility of Thomas the Apostle (John 20.26:29). The ampullae were certainly distributed to pilgrims visiting Jerusalem, but it is not clear for which sanctuary they were produced. The scene, as described in the Gospel, takes place in the Cenacle, whose presumed site was converted to the Church of Holy Sion. Di Segni points out, that the ampullae could have been distributed by a church dedicated specifically to Thomas, for example the one mentioned in E02734 and E02735. However, it is notable that none of the inscriptions refer to Thomas, and it is more plausible that these ampullae celebrated Christ and his bodily resurrection.
Type 1: An ampulla of this type is housed in the collection of eulogiae in Bobbio (north Italy). The scene is scarcely visible, but one can recognise Christ standing in the middle, flanked by the Apostles, including specifically Thomas and Andrew. In his left hand, covered by a fold of his cloth (himation), Christ is holding a codex, probably with the Gospel.
'Oil of the wood of life from the holy places of Christ. My Lord and my God!'
Type 2: A lead ampulla housed in the British Museum, reportedly acquired in Egypt. The scene shows Christ holding a book (Gospel), flanked by Apostles. Thomas is kneeling to the left of Christ, who is holding his hand and nearing it to his side.
+ ὁ Κύριός μου κ(αὶ) ὁ θεός μου +
'My Lord and my God!'
Type 3: Ampulla no. 9 from the collection of Monza (northern Italy), shows on the reverse the scene of the Crucifixion in the upper register and of the Resurrection in the lower register. On the obverse we have a depiction of standing Christ, holding the hand of Thomas and nearing it to his side. Christ has a beard and long hair, and is holding a book. He is the only figure shown with nimbus. The scene is being observed by other Apostles. Some of them are raising their arms to touch Christ, other (apparently the Evangelists) are holding books.
Inscriptions - Inscribed objects
Images and objects - Lamps, ampullae and tokens
Images and objects - Narrative scenes
Evidence not before
Evidence not after
Activity not before
Activity not after
Place of Evidence - Region
Palestine with Sinai
Place of Evidence - City, village, etc
Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Caesarea Maritima
Turris Stratonis
Cult activities - Places
Cult building - independent (church)
Cult activities - Activities Accompanying Cult
Production and selling of eulogiai, tokens
Cult activities - Non Liturgical Practices and Customs
Cult activities - Use of Images
Private ownership of an image
Cult Activities - Relics
Contact relic - other
Ampullae, eulogiai, tokens
Transfer, translation and deposition of relics
Transfer/presence of relics from distant countries
Cult Activities - Cult Related Objects
Ampullae, flasks, etc.
Cotton, H.M., Di Segni, L., Eck, W., Isaac, B., Kushnir-Stein, A., Misgav, H., Price, J.J., Yardeni, A. and others (eds.), Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae: A Multi-Lingual Corpus of the Inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad, vol. 1, part 2: Jerusalem, nos. 705-1120 (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012), no. App. 41*.
Ampulla, type 1:
Grabar, A., Ampoules de Terre Sainte (Monza, Bobbio), with photographs by D. Fourmont (Paris: C. Klincksieck, 1958), 37, no. 10, and Pl. XLII, 2.
Ampulla, type 2:
Thomsen, P., Die lateinischen und griechischen Inschriften der Stadt Jerusalem und ihrer nächsten Umgebung (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1922), no. 217.
Dalton, O.M., Byzantine Art and Archaeology (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1911), 624, fig. 399.
Ampulla, type 3:
Grabar, A., Ampoules de Terre Sainte (Monza, Bobbio), with photographs by D. Fourmont (Paris: C. Klincksieck, 1958), 24-26, no. 9, and Pl. XIV-XV.