E02823: A letter of Pope Gregory the Great (Register, 1.39) of 591, to Petrus, sub-deacon and papal agent in Sicily, orders that monks scattered by barbarian incursions should be brought together in a monastery of saint *Theodore (soldier and martyr of Amaseia and Euchaita, S00480) in Messina (Sicily). Written in Latin in Rome.
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posted on 2017-05-19, 00:00authored byBryan
Pope Gregory the Great, Register of Letters 1.39
Extract from the letter:
Qua de re praecipimus eosdem te monachos, omni cura et sollicitudine perquisitos, ad unum reducere, et cum memorato episcopo rectore que suo in monasterio sancti Theodori in Messanensi ciuitate posito collocare, ut et hi qui nunc ibi sunt, quos egere rectore comperimus, et eos quos de congregatione eius inuentos reduxeris, in unum possint, eo duce, omnipotenti domino deseruire.
'On this matter, we order you to search out those same monks with all care and concern, to bring them together as one, and locate them with the aforesaid bishop and their ruler in the monastery of saint Theodore, set in the city of Messina. Thus those who are there now, whom we found to lack a bishop, and those from his community, whom you will find and bring back, can with his leadership serve the almighty Lord in unity.'
Place of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Major author/Major anonymous work
Gregory the Great (pope)
Cult activities - Places
Cult building - monastic
Cult activities - Places Named after Saint
A letter transmitted as part of Gregory the Great’s Register of Letters. This letter collection, organised into fourteen books, is large and contains letters to a variety of recipients, including prominent aristocrats, members of the clergy and royalty. The issues touched on in the letters are equally varied, ranging from theological considerations to mundane administrative matters. This collection of letters, which was possibly curated by Gregory, was originally much larger. The surviving Register comprises several groups of letters which were extracted at several later moments in history, the largest of which took place in the papacy of Hadrian I (772-795).
Norberg, D., S. Gregorii Magni, Registrum epistularum. 2 vols. (Corpus Christianorum Series Latina 140-140A; Turnhout: Brepols, 1982).
English translation:
Martyn, J.R.C., The Letters of Gregory the Great, 3 vols. (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2004).