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E02419: Gregory of Tours, in his Histories (10.31), recounts how he, the nineteenth bishop of Tours, sought relics of the *Theban Legion (soldiers and martyrs of Agaunum, S00339); found the reliquary with their relics and the relics of unnamed *Martyrs (S00060) and *Saints (S00518) in the church of *Martin (ascetic and bishop of Tours, ob. 397, S00050) in Tours; kept vigils and masses to honour the saints; placed some of these relics in the cathedral of Tours; placed relics of *Cosmas and Damianus (brothers, physician martyrs of Syria, S00385) in Martin’s cell adjoining the cathedral; decorated the walls of Martin’s church; built the new baptistery there and placed in it relics of *John the Baptist (S00020) and *Sergius (soldier and martyr of Rusafa, S00023); placed relics of *Benignus (martyr of Dijon, S00320) in the old baptistery at Martin's church; and wrote seven books of Miracles and The Life of the Fathers. AD 573-594. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 591/594.
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posted on 2017-02-22, 00:00 authored by kwojtalikGregory of Tours, Histories (Historiae) 10.31
In qua [ecclesia urbis Turonicae], sicut a longevis aevo presbiteris conperi, beatorum ibidem reliquiae Acaunensium ab antiquis fuerant collocatae. Ipsam etiam capsulam in thesauro basilicae sancti Martini repperi, in qua valde putredine erat pignus dissolutum, quod pro eorum religionis est virtute delatum. Ac dum vigiliae in eorum honore celebrarentur, libuit animo haec iterum, praeluciscente cereo, visitare. Quae dum a nobis attente rimantur, dicit aedis aedituus: 'Est hic', inquit, 'lapis opertorio tectus, in quo quid habeat, prorsus ignoro, sed nec praecessores ministros huius custodiae scire comperi. Deferam eum et scrutamini diligenter, quid contineat infra conclusum'. Quem delatum reseravi, fateor, et inveni in eum capsulam argenteam, in qua non modo beatae legionis testium, verum etiam multorum sanctorum tam martyrum quam confessorum reliquiae tenebantur. Nancti etiam sumus et alios lapides, ita ut hic erat concavos, in quibus sanctorum apostolorum cum reliquorum martyrum pignora tenebantur. Quod munus ego divinitus indultum admirans et gratias agens, celebratis vigiliis, dictis etiam missis, haec in ecclesia collocavi. In cellula sancti Martini ecclesiae ipsi contigua sanctorum Cosmae et Damiani martyrum reliquias posui. Basilicae sanctae parietes adustos incendio repperi, quos in illo nitore vel pingi vel exornari, ut prius fuerant, artificum nostrorum opere imperavi. Baptisterium ad ipsam basilicam aedificare praecepi, in quo sancti Iohannis cum Sergii martyris reliquias posui; et in illo priore baptisterio sancti Benigni martyris pignora collocavi. In multis vero locis infra Turonicum terminum et ecclesias et oratoria dedicavi sanctorumque reliquiis inlustravi; quae memorare ex ordine prolixum censui. Decem libros Historiarum, septem Miraculorum, unum de Vita Patrum scripsi.
'I [Gregory, the nineteenth bishop of Tours] was told by certain very elderly priests that the relics of the Agaune martyrs had been deposited there [in Tours cathedral] by the men of long ago. In the treasury of Saint Martin’s church I came upon the reliquary (capsula). It had been taken there because of the miraculous power of the martyrs. The relics themselves were in a terrible state of decay. While vigils were being celebrated in their honour, I took it into my head to pay them another visit, carrying a lighted taper. As I was examining the relics with great care, the church sacristan said to me: ‘There is a stone here with a lid on it. I don’t know what it contains. I found that those who were sacristans here before me did not know either. I will bring it, and you can examine it carefully and see what is inside.’ He fetched the stone and I, of course, opened it. Inside I found a silver reliquary (capsula), which contained not only the relics of those who had actually seen the Holy Legion but also the remains of many saints, martyrs and holy men. I took charge of it, and at the same time I also took a number of other hollowed-out stones in which had been preserved the relics of other holy apostles and martyrs. I was delighted with this gift sent by God. In my gratitude to Him I kept a number of vigils and said masses. Then I placed in the cathedral all that I had found, except that I put the relics of the martyrs Saint Cosmas and Saint Damianus in Saint Martin’s cell, which adjoins the cathedral. I found the walls of Saint Martin’s church damaged by fire. I ordered my workmen to use all their skill to paint and decorate them, until they were as bright as they had previously been. I had a baptistery built adjacent to the church, and there I placed the relics of Saint John and Saint Sergius the martyr. In the old baptistery I put the relics of Saint Benignus the martyr. In many other places in Tours and its immediate neighbourhood I dedicated churches and oratories, and these I enriched with relics of the saints. It would be too long to give you a complete list. I, Gregory, have written the ten books of this History, seven books of Miracles and one on the Lives of the Fathers.'
Text: Krusch and Levison 1951, 534-536. Translation: Thorpe 1974, 601-603.
In qua [ecclesia urbis Turonicae], sicut a longevis aevo presbiteris conperi, beatorum ibidem reliquiae Acaunensium ab antiquis fuerant collocatae. Ipsam etiam capsulam in thesauro basilicae sancti Martini repperi, in qua valde putredine erat pignus dissolutum, quod pro eorum religionis est virtute delatum. Ac dum vigiliae in eorum honore celebrarentur, libuit animo haec iterum, praeluciscente cereo, visitare. Quae dum a nobis attente rimantur, dicit aedis aedituus: 'Est hic', inquit, 'lapis opertorio tectus, in quo quid habeat, prorsus ignoro, sed nec praecessores ministros huius custodiae scire comperi. Deferam eum et scrutamini diligenter, quid contineat infra conclusum'. Quem delatum reseravi, fateor, et inveni in eum capsulam argenteam, in qua non modo beatae legionis testium, verum etiam multorum sanctorum tam martyrum quam confessorum reliquiae tenebantur. Nancti etiam sumus et alios lapides, ita ut hic erat concavos, in quibus sanctorum apostolorum cum reliquorum martyrum pignora tenebantur. Quod munus ego divinitus indultum admirans et gratias agens, celebratis vigiliis, dictis etiam missis, haec in ecclesia collocavi. In cellula sancti Martini ecclesiae ipsi contigua sanctorum Cosmae et Damiani martyrum reliquias posui. Basilicae sanctae parietes adustos incendio repperi, quos in illo nitore vel pingi vel exornari, ut prius fuerant, artificum nostrorum opere imperavi. Baptisterium ad ipsam basilicam aedificare praecepi, in quo sancti Iohannis cum Sergii martyris reliquias posui; et in illo priore baptisterio sancti Benigni martyris pignora collocavi. In multis vero locis infra Turonicum terminum et ecclesias et oratoria dedicavi sanctorumque reliquiis inlustravi; quae memorare ex ordine prolixum censui. Decem libros Historiarum, septem Miraculorum, unum de Vita Patrum scripsi.
'I [Gregory, the nineteenth bishop of Tours] was told by certain very elderly priests that the relics of the Agaune martyrs had been deposited there [in Tours cathedral] by the men of long ago. In the treasury of Saint Martin’s church I came upon the reliquary (capsula). It had been taken there because of the miraculous power of the martyrs. The relics themselves were in a terrible state of decay. While vigils were being celebrated in their honour, I took it into my head to pay them another visit, carrying a lighted taper. As I was examining the relics with great care, the church sacristan said to me: ‘There is a stone here with a lid on it. I don’t know what it contains. I found that those who were sacristans here before me did not know either. I will bring it, and you can examine it carefully and see what is inside.’ He fetched the stone and I, of course, opened it. Inside I found a silver reliquary (capsula), which contained not only the relics of those who had actually seen the Holy Legion but also the remains of many saints, martyrs and holy men. I took charge of it, and at the same time I also took a number of other hollowed-out stones in which had been preserved the relics of other holy apostles and martyrs. I was delighted with this gift sent by God. In my gratitude to Him I kept a number of vigils and said masses. Then I placed in the cathedral all that I had found, except that I put the relics of the martyrs Saint Cosmas and Saint Damianus in Saint Martin’s cell, which adjoins the cathedral. I found the walls of Saint Martin’s church damaged by fire. I ordered my workmen to use all their skill to paint and decorate them, until they were as bright as they had previously been. I had a baptistery built adjacent to the church, and there I placed the relics of Saint John and Saint Sergius the martyr. In the old baptistery I put the relics of Saint Benignus the martyr. In many other places in Tours and its immediate neighbourhood I dedicated churches and oratories, and these I enriched with relics of the saints. It would be too long to give you a complete list. I, Gregory, have written the ten books of this History, seven books of Miracles and one on the Lives of the Fathers.'
Text: Krusch and Levison 1951, 534-536. Translation: Thorpe 1974, 601-603.
Evidence ID
E02419Saint Name
Theban Legion, soldiers commanded by *Maurice, martyred in Gaul, ob. 286 : S00339 Martin, ascetic and bishop of Tours (Gaul), ob. 397 : S00050 Kosmas and Damianos, brothers, physician martyrs of Syria : S00385 Sergios, martyr in Syria, ob. 303-311Saint Name in Source
Martinus Cosmas, Damianus Sergius Iohannes BenignusRelated Saint Records
Type of Evidence
Literary - Other narrative texts (including Histories)Language
- Latin
Evidence not before
575Evidence not after
594Activity not before
573Activity not after
594Place of Evidence - Region
Gaul and Frankish kingdomsPlace of Evidence - City, village, etc
ToursPlace of evidence - City name in other Language(s)
Tours Tours Tours Toronica urbs Prisciniacensim vicus Pressigny Turonorum civitas Ceratensis vicus CéréMajor author/Major anonymous work
Gregory of ToursCult activities - Liturgical Activity
- Eucharist associated with cult